First Post : New arrival - Norton Commando Mk.3 Interstate

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Re: First Post : New arrival - Norton Commando Mk.3 Intersta

CJ : Ive never heard of that modification... Sounds very interesting. Thanks!
I'm going to look around the forum for such a post.

L.A.B.: I was told by some guy at Andover that they were some sort of LED. Whatever they are, they're ridiculously priced on most websites.
Thanks for the previous post on this subject !

DogT : It's funny, I had the same thoughts as you, but didn't dare express myself in that way...
Re: First Post : New arrival - Norton Commando Mk.3 Intersta

I confess to adulterating the console lights on my unit. I have replaced all 4 incandescent bulbs with the appropriate coloured led's and resistor. I dismantled each unit, removed the bulbs, soldered the led / resistor assy into place and reassembled. Takes time but is way less costly than the replacement incandescent bulbs.
The lens' and base's alone might be available, and I would like new ones, but I can't find them. Is there any help on those?
Some thing that everyone may not be aware of here, the coloured lens' act as a "pass filter", that is they subdue the other portion of the spectrum.
Using a white led under any other color lens will not produce as bright a result as using the native colour.
So if one wants a brilliant display simply use the appropriate led, ie blue under the blue lens, green under the green, ect.
All the best.
Re: First Post : New arrival - Norton Commando Mk.3 Intersta

fruzz02 said:
I was told by some guy at Andover that they were some sort of LED. Whatever they are, they're ridiculously priced on most websites.

LEDs? On a mid-70's motorcycle?

Maybe the modern replacements sold by AN are LEDs (where's ZFD when we need him)?
Re: First Post : New arrival - Norton Commando Mk.3 Intersta

Well... It seems by indicator LED / bulb wasn't bust after all.

Let me explain : this weekend I decided to take the Commando down to the famous Bol d'Or Classic event at Magny Cours ( All was going fine until my head light decided to stop working after going over a slight bump. :oops:

Unfortunately, the evening was settling in so I decided to stop and try to figure out where the problem came from. Despite help from a fellow biker, I just couldn't find the solution, and by the time I decided to ride on, the sun had set... I suddenly remember other friends of mine were also driving down by car, so I rang them up, and they were only a few kilometers away from the gas station I stopped at ! After a little wait, I let them light the road infront of me and we safely made the remaining 50 k's to our destination with my headlight flickering on and off randomly.

By the end of the weekend I had disassembled and reassembled everything linked to the bloody headlight, but to no avail whatsoever ! :twisted: Both switchgears, key barrel, head light (obviously) etc. Then whislt I fidgeted in the back of the idiot lights, all of a sudden my indicator light came back to life ! :P Great, but I still didn't have a headlight...

It was only on the drive back home that I finally decided to bypass the switchgear. So, for the tenth time, I opened up the headlamp and followed the blue and red wires to the plastic pin. I reached in and pulled it out to realise that in fact.... idiot... THE PIN WAS UNPLUGGED !!!!!

So there you have it. Learning by doing really. :P
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