Failures on top of failures

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Duh dudes I just want a Commando that runs w/o leaking or farting to out run fate leaving a flaming trail into skyblue suset. Part of my piss ant whining PTSD arises because Trixie was gotten for me to ride so my brother Dale whose van we retrived her with could ride SuVee so we'd have some peaceful bonding time but dam deer about killed me 3wk later so a lingering recovery before Trixie's first extensive recovery-rebuild but d/t other delays the jerk died too soon. I got Trixie started next day and Dale said "Man That's A Keepper". Some animal had SuVee all fk'd up again or we'd of rode around paradise while I was sorting out Trixie, Splat-Pain. Get er done first time every time eh.
All I want to know is I'm still working at Seventy, the PT fourteen, and the Mk111 is Thirty Nine and eleven months, why aren't they working Perfectly? As I'm, just ask the creditors
Peter (the not the wise One)
Going by all the posts , most of us can relate to this tale of woe , at least to some extent . Hang in there hobot , it always seems to come good eventually .
As a famous Australian character once said " such is life " Although to be fair it did not end too well for him .
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