Failures on top of failures

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Mark said:
hobot said:
So recent downer is horrifically tight fitting of new $170 rear tractor tire broke off a tip of gasket scrapper lever and chipped up the bead area and now the $100 Tubliss insert will not hold air.

Maybe using the right tools for the job could increase the chances for success of your projects.

#1!! If your tool box has more hammers and prybars than wrenches and screwdrivers...................
Failures on top of failures

I planned to get away form antiques after I got SV650 and learned to out ride the higher hp squids here so far ahead I had to take corner school to learn in safety how to turn pavement as loose as THE Gravel so in good seasons wear-tear rear up in coulple 1000 miles > two tires a month so buy them in bulk. Very tight to fit over 6" wide rims and normal tire tools don't break but bend and abobut impossible to slip a thick spoon edge under bead about half way around. Peels tractor rear was rather tighter yet.. SuVee was only thing I could ride scine last Feb. as Trixie leaked too much to ride over 70 or give much throttle getting there. This down time started 2+ year ago becuase my bushman mechanicing let 2 new carb boot crack to suck grit in which new rings totally solved but didn't help. SuVee is a stupid balloon tire corner criple so don't strain her like I sued to and can get 4000 m out of used extra soft nil groove used non DOT race tires by leaning alot so often even going straight I get 1000 extra miles on either side of the 2" center patch. No racer edge melt evidence left at all then I use a modified cable and a bolt cutter to remove safely. This last decade by far a modern cycler rider but its down for the count again and too boring & limited to look forward to it so miainly used when nothing else road worthy, so had to ride it more than intended. Only 3 reason I've hung on this long, 1. Rump Rod, 2. Breast Support, 3. Head control, in that order. Safe Jounerys and enjoyable bickering.
Was about to just remove my unmanly bitching out loud thread evidence - on just afew weeks installment of let downs, not counting biggies of cars and trucks and roofs and untility blow out failures, so loose battery terminals symptoms for seasons, which retightening did restore function or just bumping area on the fly > fuses > to starter responding from bar buttom > too weak to spin current draw blows fuse no spin engine even directly powered > so tried to find-down load a SV650 manual > as removing the 3 obvious starter fasterners didn't free it as expected so wanted to double check before forcing as usual, but the manual sites off SVRider forum completely shut down my main 'puter tower to lock up on desk top picture w/o menu or icons and no response to the DOS F12 level rescue I've had foreced familiarity, so used a screw driver to eventually get it to work off **> instant wideyed silent WTF heart drop > over a gallon of new 50/50 Rotella 15/50 + boozeless gasoline quickly poured out on me & floor > lucky me had big catch bowel handy. To digital dumb to fix my own 'putewr and not familar with SuVee to this new mystery level w/o manual so decided might as well try my Commando engine case spliter which worked w/o strain though the dowles needed some screw driver lever assistance to allow cases to cleave evenly not cockeyed. Took photo of little success tool but can't show it as main 'puter pooped out. One cool thing is my replacement car muffler guts burnt out this week to sound like a latino assain breed sports car but next week have appointment for robust deer-dog-goat-coyotee-cattle bumper water crossing rock skid plate tow hook weld up at muffler shop. Puter poop > Can't finish legal stuff staving off paying anything on 2 purre no-DL cases steming from a tag light out, hehe & not getting a warent put out for my non appearances on points they can not defend or win yet can not loose on public record either...

Failures on top of failures

LAF life ain't fair
My wife called the phone company to report our telephone failed to ring when her family tried to call - and that on the few occasions, when it did ring, the dog were keeping here temporary moaned right before the phone rang.
The telephone repairman was real curious to see this psychic dog or senile lady. He climbed the pole, hooked in his test set, and dialed our house.
The phone didn't ring right away, but the dog moaned and the phone began to ring.
Climbing down from the pole, the telephone repairman found:
1. The dog was tied to the telephone system's ground wire with a steel chain and collar.
2. The wire connection to the ground rod was loose.
3. The dog was receiving 90 volts of signaling current when the number was called.
4. After a couple of jolts, the dog would start moaning and then urinate.
5. The wet ground would complete the circuit, thus causing the phone to ring.
Which demonstrates that some problems CAN be fixed by pissing and moaning.
"Which demonstrates that some problems CAN be fixed by pissing and moaning."

Only works for some....
Yes enduring the exception to rules sucks. Most my mechanical let downs involve painful moaning conditions to recover and over my head or tools on hand. Mechanics is a blood sport to me so bandaids needed to keep parts and floor less sticky.
henry ford didn't believe in, or even acknowledge not only bad news, but also any negativity,

they are opportunities in disguise
hobot said:
My wife called the phone company to report our telephone failed to ring when her family tried to call - and that on the few occasions, when it did ring, the dog were keeping here temporary moaned right before the phone rang.
The telephone repairman was real curious to see this psychic dog or senile lady. He climbed the pole, hooked in his test set, and dialed our house.
The phone didn't ring right away, but the dog moaned and the phone began to ring.
Climbing down from the pole, the telephone repairman found:
1. The dog was tied to the telephone system's ground wire with a steel chain and collar.
2. The wire connection to the ground rod was loose.
3. The dog was receiving 90 volts of signaling current when the number was called.
4. After a couple of jolts, the dog would start moaning and then urinate.
5. The wet ground would complete the circuit, thus causing the phone to ring.
Which demonstrates that some problems CAN be fixed by pissing and moaning.

Your comment reminds me of an outside street light with a metal cover that happened to be live, any dog passing by who raised its leg to relive itself received an electric shock right in its private parts and it went running down the road with the piss dribbling between its legs :!:
It worked every time :shock:
Ugh I once stood on axle of 10 fFt tall tire ancient farm tractor to pee instead of getting down and aimed forward along side of 4 cylinder spark plug side and wind gust drifted the stream to knock me off. As kids we'd test each other peeing on electric fence, once.

Yesterday Lucy set up the ball for Charlie Brown one more time ... made time to examine 3 Kohler engines I'd got in auction to find only one free to turn and it and 2 others had welded up crank cases cracked again, so dumped em at friends and in hunt to buy major air coolled engine part for $1000+ with no relation or relief to this forum...
Some days it's hard to live with any kind of Grace at all. Two days ago I left work with my iPad sitting on the roof of my car, I heard it it hit the ground when I made the first right turn & almost ran it over when I turned around to pick it up. Then I stopped at the optometrist and picked up a very expensive pair of prescription sunglassesand I had ordered and as soon as I got home my neighbors seven-year-old daughter attacked me and as I fell I put 1/8" wide 1/2" long scratch across one of the lenses. Some days you eat roast duck, some days just suck Crow. Glenn T.S.
Well I need my glasses repaired. I could also use a little more then one but a hug would be a good start! On the good side I'm ridding my 850 to the beach on this beautiful sunny warm day, will be at work for 40 mins and get to bill for the day. Could be worse, could live in some godforsaken freezing cold place like Minnesota or Alaska.
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
While overtakeing a caravan on the freeway, lost motive propulsion ie,. Blew the head gasket in my Chrysler PT, 7 hours to get home. No Worries still got the M111, head off to organise repairs, then intermittent misfiring. OK, check connections, battery suspect, organise new battery.Then on the way home, the bar end mirror fell off, no damage till the van behind swerved to run over it. At least my steam burnt hand is healing. Misfortune on top of misfortune, really just Dollars and more Dollars!
Holy crap!

This thread is tuning into a love fest of misfortune, misery, and masochism.
Obviously, adversity breeds character, and Hobot has it by the truck load.
Somebody please snap Hobot out of his funk.
He’s “pensive about living long enough to get some Peel payback….”
I’m pensive about living long enough to see him finish his Drouin SuperCommando.
Now that is a project to refocus on.

Get back to work. Please.
gtsun said:
could live in some godforsaken freezing cold place like Minnesota or Alaska.

Ya know, there's a lot of us that wouldn't live in California for all the Models 18s on the planet.

Just a touch above Zero (F) and windy. Too bad we don't have more snow, but the ice is nice. I do have to find another set of wheels for my Sherpa S.

Gosh its so selfishly refreshing to know i can't take my crap very personal. I feel a pensive tension in my chest too often with life ticking away and many ordinary activities flash me back on some lost soul that makes me whine at the pangs. Last 3 am about time I was falling asleep my head hit tarmac at 120 with bike on top > neck snap*Shock again - so stayed up a couple more hours to forget about it again. On the whole though I'm what I call an inverse paranoid ie: believing in a cosmic benevolent conspiracy for me with proof happening daily. First Peel broke my L5/S1 and since she died I've broken neck and limbs worse than track crash but have regrown self better than prior so does occur to me those tough events have prepped me for Next Mz Peel. Its my wife I fear for the most. Safe Journeys building up-collecting on good Wyrdness.

Wyrd (or sometimes Weird) is a term for concepts roughly corresponding to those of fate or destiny but involving complex interactions of universal necessity and individual choice within a cosmos beyond any fixed notions or concepts of mortal minds.
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