Facebook Fodder

Liking the bottle top key idea - would make it look less like a cheap caravan key.

Mark over on the FB site is also designing a new key and garnering interest.

You know you’re at the end of your 961 fettling journey when you reach this level of detail😆! Why not - the little things matter too!

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Great minds think alike. ( to much spare time)
Liking the bottle top key idea - would make it look less like a cheap caravan key.

Mark over on the FB site is also designing a new key and garnering interest.

You know you’re at the end of your 961 fettling journey when you reach this level of detail😆! Why not - the little things matter too!

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Great minds think alike. ( to much spare time )
Facebook Fodder
Facebook Fodder
Travelling oversees - currently in Japan. Don’t know why, but I was expecting to see bikes everywhere of all sizes, ya know, the home of the big 4. But nada! A (very) sparse smattering of small commuters - nothing over 250 cc. Not a big bike in sight. Very few bikes of any type/size.

My guess is they’re out there but people don’t use them in the city. Extremes of weather maybe, super hot summer - freezing in winter. I think big bikes might be frowned upon societally (maybe), big bikes anyway - so, very little bike parking which is expensive I think I read somewhere.

Or maybe it’s just the region we’re in (Osaka). Not the least bit surprising then that haven’t spotted a 961 - not that I’ve ever seen another in the wild in Oz either! Might call in on Auto Prestige if I need my fix!

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Travelling oversees - currently in Japan. Don’t know why, but I was expecting to see bikes everywhere of all sizes, ya know, the home of the big 4. But nada! A (very) sparse smattering of small commuters - nothing over 250 cc. Not a big bike in sight. Very few bikes of any type/size.....
My guess is they’re out there but people don’t use them in the city. Extremes of weather maybe, super hot summer - freezing in winter. I think big bikes might be frowned upon societally (maybe), big bikes anyway - so, very little bike parking which is expensive I think I read somewhere.......
Parking IS somewhat sparse and or costly. Also, insurance for bikes gets more expensive over 400cc. Then there is the cost or expense of the safety inspection. 50cc-250cc exempt, 250cc & up must comply and won't pass if anything is slightly amiss, which is good but sometimes nit-pickey. Lots of commuter scooters though. Cj
Parking IS somewhat sparse and or costly. Also, insurance for bikes gets more expensive over 400cc. Then there is the cost or expense of the safety inspection. 50cc-250cc exempt, 250cc & up must comply and won't pass if anything is slightly amiss, which is good but sometimes nit-pickey. Lots of commuter scooters though. Cj
Definitely goes some way to explaining it Cj. Had to laugh today - meandering down an alley in Nara with the missus and three coppers with clip-boards (and side arms) came thundering past on foot - at speed! Somebody’s in serious trouble I thought.

100m down we pass them, with what looked like a 100 point checklist, closely inspecting an odd looking (but new) E-Bike. Two inspecting (one out of shot), the other looked like he was writing a ticket for an old guy (80’s) stood speechless. Obeying authority I guess. Them’s the rules and everybody (and creature) seem to follow them!!🤣

As for commuter scooters, seems like relatively few of those also, in this region anyway - nothing like SE Asia.

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There’s a strong bike culture in Japan. Inc all sort of cafe racers / customs / etc.

I was there in July and snapped this Zero Engineering Type 5 in Osaka. A Marmite bike. I love it !

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No doubt it’s there FE, just not seeing it at the moment. Saw the first big bike this afternoon, some nameless, big Suzuki, feu-adventure thing - nearly ran us over pulling out of his drive! What’s the chances!:rolleyes:

It’s stinking hot though and my guess the locals would be sticklers for protective gear - that may explain it. Fascinating place though - lovin’ it!
No doubt it’s there FE, just not seeing it at the moment. Saw the first big bike this afternoon, some nameless, big Suzuki, feu-adventure thing - nearly ran us over pulling out of his drive! What’s the chances!:rolleyes:

It’s stinking hot though and my guess the locals would be sticklers for protective gear - that may explain it. Fascinating place though - lovin’ it!
Make sure you feed those deer… they’re known to attack those who don’t !!
Travelling oversees - currently in Japan. Don’t know why, but I was expecting to see bikes everywhere of all sizes, ya know, the home of the big 4. But nada! A (very) sparse smattering of small commuters - nothing over 250 cc. Not a big bike in sight. Very few bikes of any type/size.

My guess is they’re out there but people don’t use them in the city. Extremes of weather maybe, super hot summer - freezing in winter. I think big bikes might be frowned upon societally (maybe), big bikes anyway - so, very little bike parking which is expensive I think I read somewhere.

Or maybe it’s just the region we’re in (Osaka). Not the least bit surprising then that haven’t spotted a 961 - not that I’ve ever seen another in the wild in Oz either! Might call in on Auto Prestige if I need my fix!

I've sent them parts before....they do some cool stuff
Make sure you feed those deer… they’re known to attack those who don’t !!
Noted - this big lad took a nibble at my delicate derrière, so I fed him quick! No tellin’ what damage those antlers could do!:oops:

I’ve only got one Norton T-shirt with me - honest!!

Facebook Fodder
It must just be the cities where big bikes are sparse - for reasons discussed. We’ve moved to the southern most parts of Japan and there are bikes everywhere - beautiful, well surfaced scenic coast roads would be the reason.

This is’nt one of them, but definitely relates to previous comment about the ‘Britishness’ (is that a word?) of the Norton 961. Is there a bike on the planet less deserving of its British plumage than this! I particularly like the front fender, and the roaming ‘2’!! Very creative🤣

Real AJS owners………………….look away now!🫣

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It must just be the cities where big bikes are sparse - for reasons discussed. We’ve moved to the southern most parts of Japan and there are bikes everywhere - beautiful, well surfaced scenic coast roads would be the reason.

This is’nt one of them, but definitely relates to previous comment about the ‘Britishness’ (is that a word?) of the Norton 961. Is there a bike on the planet less deserving of its British plumage than this! I particularly like the front fender, and the roaming ‘2’!! Very creative🤣

Real AJS owners………………….look away now!🫣

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Until you get this…
Plug your ears and cover your eyes

It must just be the cities where big bikes are sparse - for reasons discussed. We’ve moved to the southern most parts of Japan and there are bikes everywhere - beautiful, well surfaced scenic coast roads would be the reason.

This is’nt one of them, but definitely relates to previous comment about the ‘Britishness’ (is that a word?) of the Norton 961. Is there a bike on the planet less deserving of its British plumage than this! I particularly like the front fender, and the roaming ‘2’!! Very creative🤣

Real AJS owners………………….look away now!🫣

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Poor old Joe Stevens would be turning in his grave at that pile of sh1te with his name on it.:eek: