Why what ? The mufflers ? A Dreer 952 , the predecessor of the Norton 961 correct ?Seen this on Facebook.
The car muffler!Why what ? The mufflers ? A Dreer 952 , the predecessor of the Norton 961 correct ?
I agree , a nice bike like that should have proper mufflers .The car muffler!
May as well put a steering wheel on it as well
Might be a sneaky way for auto muffler manufacturers to try and drum up some business in an as yet untapped market.Seen this on Facebook.
Lamb Chops latest.
He was simply complimenting the level of feedback from the chassis."I can feel the road" FFS that's a new one.![]()
Understandable.As Billy Connolly says when some one in the audience shouts out , "Enough, Enough".How many more facebook fodders do we have to look at giving their opinion on the 961 foibles, if you want a 961 go for a test ride and make your own mind up instead of listening to someone trying to blab on giving THEIR opinion. Everyone has different tastes in what they want in a bike. Stop reading and start riding the Damn things. These videos are getting really boring now for me.
We put this type of content up on this site because some members don’t use FB or monitor YouTube. Gives each of us the option to watch it, or not.These videos are getting really boring now for me.![]()
Makes sense pb, you really are not the target audience.I have just started to count how many videos there are about the 961 test rides , when I got to fifty I gave up, but what I did learn from some of those so called informative videos, which if I was a prospective buyer wanting to gain knowledge about the 961 before I bought one is. The headlight is great but also not very good at night ,the bars are too low but just right, the seat is only comfy for two hours unless you ride all day , the riding position is bad but comfy too, the side stand is too long, too short or just right , the back brake is too grabby but then very responsive , and then the Biggy the vibration loosened my fillings , but not too bad , it's an old fashion twin not a four and quite acceptable.
I suppose what I am saying if you just like watching other people's opinion on the Norton then fair enough but if you are looking for a reason to buy one there really is only one way and that's take one for a test ride and make your own mind up , all these videos are a complete contradiction , Personally I don't give a flying fig what anyone says to me about the Sport I bloody love it and wouldn't have bought another one otherwise. Over the last nine years of ownership I have had my share of 'Experts' tell me all about the bike , never ever having owned or ridden one but probably watching all the damn videos on YouTube etc. Having had my little rant I am going to take everyone's advice and not watch any more , I'm getting too old to get wound up.![]()
IknowimnotthesmartestguyintheworldbutdamnmanusesomegrammarithelpsothersallowingthemtounderstandwhatyouresayingI have just started to count how many videos there are about the 961 test rides , when I got to fifty I gave up, but what I did learn from some of those so called informative videos, which if I was a prospective buyer wanting to gain knowledge about the 961 before I bought one is. The headlight is great but also not very good at night ,the bars are too low but just right, the seat is only comfy for two hours unless you ride all day , the riding position is bad but comfy too, the side stand is too long, too short or just right , the back brake is too grabby but then very responsive , and then the Biggy the vibration loosened my fillings , but not too bad , it's an old fashion twin not a four and quite acceptable.
I suppose what I am saying if you just like watching other people's opinion on the Norton then fair enough but if you are looking for a reason to buy one there really is only one way and that's take one for a test ride and make your own mind up , all these videos are a complete contradiction , Personally I don't give a flying fig what anyone says to me about the Sport I bloody love it and wouldn't have bought another one otherwise. Over the last nine years of ownership I have had my share of 'Experts' tell me all about the bike , never ever having owned or ridden one but probably watching all the damn videos on YouTube etc. Having had my little rant I am going to take everyone's advice and not watch any more , I'm getting too old to get wound up.![]()
What did that damn Yankee say.?Iknowimnotthesmartestguyintheworldbutdamnmanusesomegrammarithelpsothersallowingthemtounderstandwhatyouresaying
I’m still trying to figure out what the red coat said.What did that damn Yankee say.?![]()