Greg, I have flown aircraft and I have a decent comprehension of flight dynamics.Certainly cannot to a tornado as it would be impossible to keep turned into the wind and even if it could, the support would likely not withstand it. If a strong enough hurricane, it might also not be stay able to turned into the wind and may fail.
But for the vast majority of wind over 55mph it should already be turned into the wind, feathered, and should easily withstand 100mph gusts from the same direction. If you install one where you are LIKELY to see over 200 mph wind, you are stupid! Very few hurricanes are anywhere near that wind speed in VA, MD, NJ, NY or north or in any interior portions of the US and that is a risk they must factor in.
These are commercial companies, and you would hope that they have factored in the replacement cost for abnormal risks and decided that the risks are acceptable.
Tried pretty hard to agree with your premise!Greg, I have flown aircraft and I have a decent comprehension of flight dynamics.
Don't overthink this.
My point is simple, like the guy in the movie said, "nature finds a way".
I am saying that if a wind farm is hit with sustained winds of 225+ mph the whole contraption is going in the drink no matter what the status of the propeller is.
Todays safe "build it here" site is tomorrow's hurricane hit zone.
Do you live in the city?I haven’t followed this important discussion closely nor commented at all till now so please excuse me if this has been beaten to death already.
The root of the EV discussion is that we humans use too damned much energy. Some estimates are that we use more than falls on earth from the sun each day. That seems like a lot but is food for thought.
My question is why do we use so much energy? Aside from inefficiency, I believe it is the way our society is organized, particularly in auto-centric America and increasingly Europe and Asia. A major contributor is transportation. Peeling the onion, I wonder why. So much is wasted through inefficiency with the best gasoline engines about 15% thermally efficient and diesels half again that. But aside from that one has to ask why so much transportation is needed.
Mostly I believe its because of land use patterns. Compare Phoenix or LA with central London. One is walkable, two are not. How we got this way is a long discussion, the upshot of which is that it will take us a very long time to recast our built environment to require less transportation. In the meanwhile if we don’t become more efficient we’re doomed.
EVs use electricity. Electricity is mostly generated by heat engines using some form of the Carnot Cycle as do internal combustion, reciprocating engines. However, the most efficient coal-fired electric power plants are approaching the theoretical limits of the Carnot cycle at about 69% last I read So even including energy state changes, line loss across the grid, battery use and charging inefficiencies, it’s a long way between 69% and 15% for gasoline powered cars. One reference I saw was 40% for diesels as of 1969.
Certainly, EVs powered by electricity generated at high efficiency are environmentally better but one must consider the cost of building and maintaining the energy generating systems. Electricity is after all not an energy source per se but a means of moving energy from one place to another.
In the end though, we must use less transportation. I’d rather travel for pleasure than work or shopping but I don’t have that choice.
estimates are that we use more than falls on earth from the sun each day
Out by several decimal points. We use less than 1%, you could provide all the power from solar panels from 200,000 sq miles and PV panels are only 20% efficient. At 100% you would only need 40,000 sq miles.
Here is the closest I could get to the PBS, a Govt source too.there is more solar energy falling on the Serengeti in one second, than the entire world produces and uses in one year
One hour or one second is irrelevant! The sun drives the climate, not man's activity. Those who assert it is the other way around, are either:Here is the closest I could get to the PBS, a Govt source too.
Solar Energy Basics | NREL | NREL
More energy from the sun falls on the earth in one hour than is used by everyone in the world in one year.
Intermittency and storage kill renewables economically, the previous millennia have stored sun power underneath our feet, we just dig or drill and burn it. Just a couple of centuries ago the CO2 PPM was at 280 ppm just above the critical level where plant life dies.then all should be well if we can harvest the sun's energy directly
So move to the inner city, you can rest easy with a clear conscience.If the PBS and other estimates are true, and I have no ability to dispute them, then all should be well if we can harvest the sun's energy directly and not release the stored up carbon. We'd better get started developing that. In the meantime the Carnot cycle rules.
I live in a rural area and have to travel by car except when I walk the mile to the mailbox and return for exercise. We have plenty of sun most seasons so I could charge up a car from photovoltaic panels. I rarely travel more than 10 miles from home so range isn't an issue except for a 200 mile trip every couple of months. Perhaps a solar electric system would be a worthy project whether or not we get an electric car. We use lots of electricity to pump water and some for lights. So maybe a battery backed up system would be good.
For decades both my wife and I commuted more than 20 miles through congested traffic. I'd rather not have done that. I'd rather have walked and saved my travel expenditures for pleasure.
Knock yourself out with all the PBS news, they are a Govt'/taxpayer supported entity. The Govt' uses my tax dollars to push their propaganda. If you want to walk or ride a bicycle, that's your choice. Don't push it on me. I'm tired of putting batteries in my grandsons' toys. Let's not forget about the windfarms, totally ridiculous. I saw them my first time when I drove to Sturgis is 2012. Not on the Norton, but on the Harley. It was UnF*%#ing believable. Now they are putting them up on the Peoples Republic of New Germany aka New Jersey OMG. PS, the girlfriend ran out of batteries once, then I was obligated to give it to her the old-fashioned way.If the PBS and other estimates are true, and I have no ability to dispute them, then all should be well if we can harvest the sun's energy directly and not release the stored up carbon. We'd better get started developing that. In the meantime the Carnot cycle rules.
I live in a rural area and have to travel by car except when I walk the mile to the mailbox and return for exercise. We have plenty of sun most seasons so I could charge up a car from photovoltaic panels. I rarely travel more than 10 miles from home so range isn't an issue except for a 200 mile trip every couple of months. Perhaps a solar electric system would be a worthy project whether or not we get an electric car. We use lots of electricity to pump water and some for lights. So maybe a battery backed up system would be good.
For decades both my wife and I commuted more than 20 miles through congested traffic. I'd rather not have done that. I'd rather have walked and saved my travel expenditures for pleasure.
Knock yourself out with all the PBS ("(news?") slanted, biased, unobjective, unaccountable information source as they are a Govt'/taxpayer supported entity.") And I got an up close and personal look at their specific agenda having worked for PBS, for years.Knock yourself out with all the PBS news, they are a Govt'/taxpayer supported entity. The Govt' uses my tax dollars to push their propaganda. If you want to walk or ride a bicycle, that's your choice. Don't push it on me. I'm tired of putting batteries in my grandsons' toys. Let's not forget about the windfarms, totally ridiculous. I saw them my first time when I drove to Sturgis is 2012. Not on the Norton, but on the Harley. It was UnF*%#ing believable. Now they are putting them up on the Peoples Republic of New Germany aka New Jersey OMG. PS, the girlfriend ran out of batteries once, then I was obligated to give it to her the old-fashioned way.![]()
...and I worked in a machine shop for a week as a guest repairing a 5-axis mill, where they had NPR radio blasting. Propaganda garbage.Knock yourself out with all the PBS ("(news?) slanted, biased, unobjective, unaccountable information source as they are a Govt'/taxpayer supported entity.") And I got an up close and personal look at their specific agenda having worked for PBS, for years.
So show US! Surely there is a youtube video....In Australia the Liberal Party are right-wing conservatives and the National Party farmers' preferences keep them in power. The farmers know the truth about climate change, but money talks. Many years ago I was in a laboratory - my boss was a metallurgical engineer.. I had a block of dry ice about 6 X 6 X 1 inches, a muffle furnace at 1400 degrees centigrade and a pair of shielded tongues. I asked him what thought would happen if I put the block of dry ice into the furnace. He said 'don't be silly, it would just go 'ffft' and disappear. So I showed him. The block of dry ice will sit inside the furnace for a vey long time. Carbon dioxide is an excellent insulator. So it never pays to speculate and suppose. Many university professors and other teachers do that. The biggest joke is when they try to teach management.
The most basic engineering skill is Project Management - where I have been, most engineers do not know how to do it. I taught one guy and he used it for every task. Then he got a job managing a factory. By the time he had been there a week, the guys had slashed his tyres and cut the power off the factory. He was an ex-Navy guy. It really appeals to my sense of humour.
Turbine blades washed ashore, I have flown aircraft and I have a decent comprehension of flight dynamics.
Don't overthink this.
My point is simple, like the guy in the movie said, "nature finds a way".
I am saying that if a wind farm is hit with sustained winds of 225+ mph the whole contraption is going in the drink no matter what the status of the propeller is.
Todays safe "build it here" site is tomorrow's hurricane hit zone.
“ only one foot square…”Turbine blades washed ashore