Hey FE,
With respect, your comment is way off the mark IMO. Take the time to read back through this thread - while you’re at it, see if you believe your position has been truly ‘balanced and central’.
I suppose I should have taken my cue from the title of this thread. It was always going to be a completely one sided discussion - not phased by that at all.
I’ve posted mainstream information/content that is in line with current thinking, because that is what I believe to be true. I believe the IPCC has consensus and that there is sufficient expertise and evidence to show that they are on the right track; I have reservations, but not enough to derail my opinion. Our views on EV’s are clear enough.
Have a look how many times any of that more mainstream information has actually been responded to beyond: derision, sarcasm, laughter icons, thumbs down or the words ‘no’ or ‘nope’ etc.
See if you can find a single ocassion where anyone has read the content and offered a balanced response - or whether it has been just ignored. No room for an alternate narrative. Admittedly I have responded in similar fashion ocassionally, but I guess that’s gonna happen when you’re on your Jack Jones in a debate.
Not looking for anybody to agree with me - just to move beyond the overwhelmingly negative commentary and look at the possibility that there may be some merit to the mainstream narrative. That just maybe, our scientists and politicians have’nt got it all wrong. Is this a real discussion, or is this thread by that definition redundant.