I am aware of the evils of strip mining shown above because of MSM. It is mentioned from time to time, just not harped on for days on end like the pay to view networks do to keep viewers pissed off about so called green energy or whatever negative thing they decide to push next week. Yes the MSM dose make mistakes and present misleading reports from time to time but not nearly as often or deliberate as the 24 hour cable networks. it's easy to fact check and I do often. The cable channels are so obviously slanted either right or left that most of talking heads are spreading BS in whatever direction their audience leans. A lot of people still watch and take seriously a network that won a law suit because they convinced a judge that most of what their # 1 personality presented was BS and any reasonable viewer would know it. The same network recently lost, settled, nearly a billion dollar law suit for pushing lies... This I just don't get and probably never will so pleas don't try to explain.Reality and factual information......the true scourge of another political agenda referred to as the "Green Deal".
You won't hear any of the above information on MSM, that I can count on.
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