As [MY] Combat expert, why haven't you modified your sump pick up?
Just did!
As [MY] Combat expert, I am sure you know that this is the main reason that oil get pushed up the breather in the first place, allowing oil to pool to the rear and get sloshed up into the baffled area.
Sure do.
And, as [MY] Combat expert, you realize now that removing the baffle and not modifying the sump pick up, that more oil is subject to be pushed up the breather.
Sure do - now I have the best of both systems!
I may not be [MY] Combat expert, but it has been my opinion that oil being pushed up the breather through a reed will cause much more undue crankcase pressure than intended and of which we are primarily trying to relieve.
Correct, you are not the 'expert' of my bike and your comment is nonsense - reed valves have minimum resistance or 2 billion 2-strokes would not work (oh, my reed valve is the 4-petal type - not as cute, but more functional).
But i am sure, as [MY] Combat expert, you have known this all along. And I am sure you know why this is more common, but not exclusive, to a Combat vs all 72 crankcases.
The mesh sump filter would have stopped the salami'ed metal getting to the oil tank and I would still be in the ignorant bliss you appear to promote.
And why would you install studs where the only place for them to bottom out would be against a spinning crankshaft. ta,,,I mean, duh!
If you read the thread you would see that the problem was not detectable while the bike was upright. Plus the stud thread length was less but the waist actually allowed the threads to screw deeper than the setscrew threads.
Being the author if this thread, it's not as easy to bail out as you have with other topics, is it? I will understand if that is what you need to do.
Silly comment.