No insurance, for many years! Here in the UK no insurance is treated as a major crime,so just to add more pain i suppose you will be getting a fine as well :?: Accidents in the UK are bad things to have, Cars and motorcyle accidents,First Breath test,all docs and sometimes tow-away to compound for examination,then big fines for no insurance,tax etc ...not to mention the "old whip lash" claims..that loads up your renewal. Pus a Re-test if the plod think's you are to old or frail to drive safely.which can result in a life ban if you fail :!:
12 years ago i was T boned ,20-25mph, the old feller [80] had never passed his driving test! Goe's without saying he failed a test, never to drive again..i hope.
One morning i was driving my truck to make a collection, a car in front was being driven like the pilot was either going to sleep or drunk.
Cutting corners and driving on the wrong side for many yards,completly out of control.
I followed at a safe distance, after a short time the car turned onto the industrial estate i was going to, and pulled up.
I got out and walked over to the car, sat inside where two old people,a elderly lady was the driver , i said to her " bleedin eck love,you aint safe on the road"! the old man shouted back " Sod off ! ,this old lady is just recovering from a stroke, and it taking me to work"! Makes you think who is out there driving!