Down the road

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Bad Luck Mate. I imagine that most of us on here understand what it feels like.

Let's hope now that you don't suffer from disappearing witnesses and changed stories.
G'day Fullauto,
glad to hear that you're Ok, lucky in miss fortune I guess!? Some drivers just have shit for brains!!
Although the last time I went surfing down the road some years back was after collecting a big roo that didnt give way to me, mmmm that hurts still just thinking about it.
Regards Foxy
Hey, Foxy...I really like your contributions to the Forum, but c'mon. I'm a pretty liberal kinda guy...and definitely not a prude....but I have to comment on your avatar. A lot of the folks on this Forum like to look at the site during work hours...with me it's during lunch time where "web surfing" is permissible. I think you're the first person in the history of this Forum that has made that a bit of a problem with your avatar's ass swinging on my monitor. LAB, shouldn't we have some measure of decor on our site and keep the objectable stuff typically seen on other, more hard-edged bike Forums off our site???
cmessenk said:
LAB, shouldn't we have some measure of decor on our site and keep the objectable stuff typically seen on other, more hard-edged bike Forums off our site???

Yes, perhaps that sort of avatar content isn't entirely appropriate here (personally I think most animated avatars are annoying) but what do our other members think (if members could PM me with their views rather than discuss it further in this thread)?
Any ruling regarding avatar content would of course be up to Jerry.
Something seems to be wrong with my computer?
It's stuck on the page where Foxy has been,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Oh yes, sorry to hear about your misfortune Fullauto, lucky you can talk about it.
A similar thing happened to me on Monday about lunchtime, but I managed to not hit the idiot. It was total luck not skill on my part.
Hope you and your bike are back on the road soon, and without too much expense to your wallet.

Its the Traffic Fumes , only go thru town at nights if I can help it . Half of em are high as kites on the atmosphere . And if theyve been watching Television , :? Yr done for if they copy it . Heal up fast .
Sounds like assult with a motor vehical . Seen that before .
L.A.B. said:
Yes, perhaps that sort of avatar content isn't entirely appropriate here (personally I think most animated avatars are annoying) but what do our other members think (if members could PM me with their views rather than discuss it further in this thread)?
Any ruling regarding avatar content would of course be up to Jerry.

A great backup track for the avatar. Crank up those desktop's.
Thanks guys for your thoughts. I'm pretty sore this morning, not so much where the bark is off but my shoulder really hurts. As always, I won't take medication and I'll stay off the pain killers and I'm sure I'll heal sooner or later. It just goes to show you that despite your best efforts, sooner or later, your number may come up. The little Asian (!) woman driving said "I didn't see him". Surprise surprise. What I remember is travelling down the left hand lane and then she came straight across in front of me presumably to take the next exit and then, because she was going too fast, she immediately slammed on her brakes. There was nothing wrong with my reaction time, I hit the brakes and threw the Norton to the left, just clipping the rear left of her car. My right thigh took out her left tail light and that was about it for damage to her car. I went straight down on the left side. It was over in milliseconds. I just hope her insurance company comes to the party.
Sorry to hear the news of your crash. I would say judging by your assessment of your injuries, as opposed to your bike, your doing fairly well. Hopefully the medical team looked you over as closely as you did your bike!

Unfortunately, your not going to be vary comfortable for a while. My hope is that your discomfort is short lived and you heal up quickly and end up as good as new!

I can only imagine the first thing the driver said was she was never in an accident. The question is how many accidents has she been responsible for with her selfish behavior?
rpatton said:
L.A.B. said:
Yes, perhaps that sort of avatar content isn't entirely appropriate here (personally I think most animated avatars are annoying) but what do our other members think (if members could PM me with their views rather than discuss it further in this thread)?
Any ruling regarding avatar content would of course be up to Jerry.

A great backup track for the avatar. Crank up those desktop's.

My wife or teenage daughters were not impressed by Foxie's avatar. Guess I will be signing off now. Jim
comnoz said:
rpatton said:
L.A.B. said:
Yes, perhaps that sort of avatar content isn't entirely appropriate here (personally I think most animated avatars are annoying) but what do our other members think (if members could PM me with their views rather than discuss it further in this thread)?
Any ruling regarding avatar content would of course be up to Jerry.

A great backup track for the avatar. Crank up those desktop's.

My wife or teenage daughters were not impressed by Foxie's avatar. Guess I will be signing off now. Jim

I had to send him a PM, while I like the view, it's a little much. No animated avatars either, please.
What a bunch of prudes, go and see your wife and get your nuts back off her necklace.

Many years ago a flatmate of mine got knocked off his commando by two ladies, he tried passing on the inside, I come home from work to the smell of baking and the sound of humping, went on for about two months untill his broken leg healed
Foxy's avatar - best one on this forum. Way to go! If only she was swinging those cheeks on a Norton seat.
The asians seem to think 50 ft tunnel vision ahead is scanning the road . Had one Gas it in a Tarago from parked loading kids , left kerb , to sideroad on right . Was in Rover MG thing .
Sorta started to swerve off , but lamposts & kids about , so left Left Front corner in her Rt rear door . Coincedently with the van at that angle it was through its centre of gravity or centre of traction or both .

First words were ' I Indicato r ' , reply YES , AS YOU BLOODY TURNED > You LOOK First . , Youre SUPOSED to indicate what you are GOING to do , Not what youre bloody doing . Any Idiot Can See That ! .

Expected corner of car to be deceased . Bumper was back 1/4 in , & indicator rattly . A scrape on the bumper paint. But thats it . You dont kick the plastic bumpers on the Old 80 MGs , even with boots on .

ANYWAY . Got straight onto her insurance company and sugested they ask her to take driving lessons etc . Maintained disposition, asking if she had any previous claims , Untill they sounded contrite .
A demand for a account of their cliants actions will have them squirming about divulgeing self incriminateing evedance . Expect no cooperation without a firm , demanding & indignant disposition .
Give NO facts untill thoughts arranged , misconstrued and manipulated they can if devious attempt to shift blame .DEMAND a copy of their ' Report ' in exchange . Critique , correct and return a correected copy .
This is bad but the first thing that came to mind was "Damn, I'm glad he's ok 'cuz I hav'nt got one of his heads yet."

It doesn't mean we don't love you to death, more bike riding until some inventory is built up.

By the way, here in the U.S., the woman would have screamed back injury, 7 lawyers would have shown up, you would be at fault for following too close, and she would end up owning your business.
Apologies to all, I knew it was a bit risque! :mrgreen:
So not wanting to cause any further problems, its deleted without delay! I do like this forum very much and I wish to view and participate when and wherever possible aswell, I fully understand!
So back to you FULLAUTO and apologies to you for the slight highjack

Really sorry to hear what happened. Before you know it you will be back at wrenching on the bike and adding some mods that you were saving for later.

Matt / Colorado Norton Works
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