Damn it all to hell! Kickstarter problems.

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as above-all the comments already
ive managed to repair my gearbox,didnt take it out the bike to do it-ive only owned it for 5 months and not had one before either

the layshaft bearing is a cheap part so best to replace anyway
ive also had to get a kickstart pawl and a pin as the pin was broken and the pawl worn-otherwise its mostly a case of visually checking everything for wear or scoring

ive managed to do mine without any special tools,although the proper 2 pinned tool to undo the mainshaft nut( i think it was ) would have been handy-but as someone had already used a punch to undo it and its marked slightly already i didnt worry too much

just look at the postings and old brits and have a go-if it all goes wrong-which it shouldnt-you can buy a dvd by mick hemmings that will show you step by step how to check and rebuild it
Thanks, guys. Still wrapped up in to many 'wife' projects to get to the bike. However, I notice that no matter what publication I look at, I cannot find a good pic, hence can't get a 'grasp' of the pawl workings. Understand the concept, yes, but would like the pic. Which brings me to:

SwooshDave: the last pic you posted on this thread (thanks): my assumption is that it depicts the pawl, upper right center, against the gear. Looking at that pic... there's no way that the inner gear teeth would have *ALL* broken at the same time from one kick. Since I have a light 'click-click-click' of the pawl making some minimal contact... if that is what the picture is showing (remember, I'm a novice) I guess that I'm saying my 'GUESS' would be that the damage is limited to the pawl. Perhaps worn terribly before I bought it, maybe the 'tip' broke off. Maybe failed spring, as the spring (?) pushes the pawl into engagement?

Yes, I know... I won't know until I open her up. So much to do, so little time to do it all in. :(
It is all guess work at this stage Gary but maybe the plunger that pushes the pawl is stuck in? (possibly rusted)
Put it in forth gear by turning the rear wheel and push it a little to move stuff around in there. Maybe pull the spark plugs to make it a litle easier for you.
Tap on the end of the kickstart shaft to possibly free things up.
External remedies for internal problem. I don't know, what the hell, it's worth a shot!
Actually, I did 'tap' the external shaft yesterday. It actually gave me a bit of a 'bite'. Was to new (scared) to do more than tap on it, but was encouraged that I'd start to get a bite out of the pawl. Just wish I could get some projects off my hands so I can get to the bike. Hence jabbering about it here, even though I've not opened her up... sigh... besides, it beats actually working! :D
You seem to have enough time to answer these damn postings! Get on it,man! Just kidding, I can hear the Norton hunger in your words.
Yeah, get on with it Gary, in the time you've spent posting on here you could have done it!
Good luck mate,
Ha, ha, ha! ROFLMAO! If I could just figure a way to sneak the bike into my office here at work without my boss catching me... maybe hide it behind my computer monitor? Tools stashed in my 'in box'?? :mrgreen:

OK, ok... I do get your point. I AM desperate to get to it though. Hopefully within the next 2 weeks :cry:

Go to Old Britts web site and check out there technical section. They have a blow-by-blow description of how to take apart and repair you gearbox. Complete with lots of pictures.
I found it indespensible when I rebuilt mine.

The truly terrible thing for me right now is that I am innundated with projects. Buried. No time for the Norton. Not interested in 15 minutes here, 25 minutes there. But, in desperation, I snuck out to the garage last night about midnight, even though I had to get up @ 4:30. I was so frustrated and hoping mad, I typed a long venting post. Fortunately, I came to my senses and deleted it. So, being in an 'ok' mood now... I have two questions.

1.) why does there seem to be some hardware that 'doesn't quite' fit either standard *OR* metric? (I had to resort to the rediculuos cresent wrenches on the gear selecter pinch bolt).

2.) but it was this question that had me so frustrated (I admit, I was very tired, perhaps not thinking to intelligently...) but this rediculous English publication stated that I should remove the 'drain plug' of the gearbox. Now, I know what 'drain plug' means in American, but sure as hell, I can NOT find any sort of a 'drain plug' on the gearbox. So I'm thinking, what does this mean in English? Inflate the tires? Disconnect the battery? Or does it rather mean 'Prank a Yank'? :roll:

No, I'm serious, my friends... I'm asking you, WHERE is there a drain plug on the gearbox??

(on a good note, while searching for said mythical drain plug, I found a 'spin on' oil filter that I didn't even know about when I bought the bike some 40 miles back!!). Sure fell in love with this bike when I bought it... would also love to find that damned 'drain plug'. As is, all I can see is to pop the cover and let it pour out. Only 40 miles on it :(
The drain is a hex bolt located on the back of the trans near the bottom. From the spin on filter go down the back of the trans and it will be the lowest bolt, it is located in the middle of trans between the frame holding the trans. It is a hex bolt with a steal and fiber washer. If you need a picture let me know.

Now all that said I need to find the leak in mine. BUMMER.

There are both "American" (inch) and "English" (some other inch) fasteners on your Norton. Get use to it. :mrgreen: Luckily for you the vast majority is "American". :mrgreen:
Thanks, Chuck. I've never been unable to find a drain plug before :oops:

Thanks, Dave. I won't even mention how long I pondered (time wasted @ midnight) trying to figure out why I had no sockets that would fit. One 'blush' per day for me, and all that... :shock:
Gary said:
1.) why does there seem to be some hardware that 'doesn't quite' fit either standard *OR* metric? (I had to resort to the rediculuos cresent wrenches on the gear selecter pinch bolt).

Are you telling us you don't have a complete set of Whitworth wrenches and sockets? For shame. :wink:
Well, Anglo... I've heard the name. I presume that they're pretty much of a 'must have' item for these bikes, eh? Are they to be found for purchase anywhere? Figures I'd buy a bike immediately before losing it's kickstart ability. Sigh... guess I'd best get hot on a diet...

OMG!! After posting this above reply, I punched in a search for whitworth spanners. Found that a set of 7 wrenches sold on eBay for $190.00!?! WTH?? Another search talks about confusion buying wrong Whitworth spanners, due to their stampings? Whoa! Sure wouldn't want to drop that kind of money and get the wrong wrenches...
Gary said:
Well, Anglo... I've heard the name. I presume that they're pretty much of a 'must have' item for these bikes, eh? Are they to be found for purchase anywhere? Figures I'd buy a bike immediately before losing it's kickstart ability. Sigh... guess I'd best get hot on a diet...

OMG!! After posting this above reply, I punched in a search for whitworth spanners. Found that a set of 7 wrenches sold on eBay for $190.00!?! WTH?? Another search talks about confusion buying wrong Whitworth spanners, due to their stampings? Whoa! Sure wouldn't want to drop that kind of money and get the wrong wrenches...

You might want to crank down the coffee consumption. :shock:

No, they will not cost you that much. :roll:

Do a search on the forum for Whitworth and you'll find where to get them for a reasonable cost.
Coffee? Nah, just my natural youthful exhuberance! :roll:

OK, so... like, I've got to admit it: I had fun getting into the 'box! Fun and interesting. Jeez... it's been... well, quite a good while since I've wrenched on anything. And frankly, this old lass was kind of sweet. Anyway, hope I post a couple of pics correct, as I ask a question or six.

Damn it all to hell! Kickstarter problems.

With this above pic, the loss of my kickstart ability became abundantly clear. Showing for a couple reasons. Everyone's OK with the bearing? The pawl itself it shot, needs replacing. And while I'll contemplate it more tomorrow, something doesn't look quite right to me, though this is all uncharted territory for me: pawl appears 'wedged' in there, no flexibility. Certainly don't see how it can flex via a spring. A look at the 1st lay seems to indicate that it is fine, limiting the problem to the pawl. Cluster looks damned nice though, relatively new would be my guess.

Ok, damnit, I can see that I keep getting THAT part of the pic (I'm trying to display) cut off. Not sure how to correct this. Until I do, here's the deal: the pawl appears to be wedged hard up against a "USA quarter" sized, round plate of metal just to the upper right of the pic.

QUESTION: how do I remove/replace the pawl? Doesn't seem to be covered, though may appear obvious after some sleep, LOL's!
Rotate it? :mrgreen: I bet if you go counter clockwise (as looking at the picture) you'll be pleasantly surprised....
LOL's, too friggin easy! :mrgreen: T'was the only thing I could think of doing... certainly LOOKED like what was needed last night (well, actually, earlier this morning), but I was loath to do so without a couple hours sleep time (been running 18-20 hour days last couple of weeks) to contemplate it. Sleep deprivation sucks.

If you followed the pic link back to photobucket, I posted six pics. Cluster looks immaculate.
Gary said:
If you followed the pic link back to photobucket, I posted six pics. Cluster looks immaculate.

If you just post the pictures here we wouldn't need to. :mrgreen:
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