Well, here's the latest... I went out and did all the things you all suggested. Made some shims out of newspaper and shimmed the stack so it was perfectly flush with the outside gear. As hard as I tried, I couldn't get the circlip on. I started taking my "shims" out until I finally was able to get the clip on. At this point the stack was still a few thousandths low. I hooked up the clutch cable, adjusted the ball and pulled the lever. It still was hard to pull, like harder than any clutch on any bike I ever rode, but it was MUCH easier than before. I took it all apart again and pulled the newspaper out, then hooked it up again and pulled. Was about as hard to pull as with the shims... maybe a slight bit easier, but more importantly, I felt that compound bow like reaction when I pulled it. I could actually ride the bike with the clutch like it is... not sure if I'd get used to it or not. It might have been the way I adjusted the rod and ball this time. I screwed the screw in until it totally locked up, then backed it off a turn. It's a little ambiguous in the manual, I had the idea you just snugged it up till you felt tension on the rod. What I actually did was locked up the rod then kept my finger on the actuator and backed off till there was play in there and it would jiggle back and forth. Part of it could have been that the cable hadn't been properly lubed before. Not sure. I still don't think it's right... still takes a really hard pull on the lever, but it seems like we're getting somewhere. I also notice the diaphragm has a longer throw than it did before. I know that if I stuck another steel plate in there there'd never be enough room to get the circlip in. And I'd certainly not enjoy riding the bike around town with the clutch the way it is now, although it would be rideable.