hobot said:So, I could easily slip one of Fred's .080 steel plates in there and my friends, I think we'd be in business with a finely tuned clutch.
Huh, who of ever thought : )
Well, I have this home made clutch tool and the manual makes several notes of how the damn diaphragm is dangerous and can cause serious physical injury if it's used improperly, and I have no idea how hard to crank on it before it blows up in my face or whatever it does when it kills people, so I crank it till the diaphragm loosens up and I pull the damn thing out. Yes, back on page 8 several, including yourself, made this recommendation of putting in one of OB's 080 steel plates, but when I set the diaphragm back in there I could see there was no way in hell a .080 spacer would fit. It was only when LAB told me I wasn't putting enough tension on the clutch tool that I was able to open the damn gap up to see that there was in fact ample space for an extra steel plate. What may seem very obvious to a person with extensive knowledge on a subject can be very obscure to someone with limited experience.