Oh Dear .
A nervous race horse with rickets , a nervous twitch , and a Drinking problem . Its evident your mates riders didnt respect the redline on the Nortons .
Recalling being pillioned by the kwickersaki maniac ( hed been used as ballast on the Bonneville & Commando , the later with the pillion footrests dirctly on the alloy plates , he developed a nervous twitch
dragging them 7 his roman sandles cranked over at 80 . Ive met stronger nerved people , though only at 50 on smooth seal , yougngh Henry just moved his bare feet in rubber thongs fuyrther in the pegs .
Haveing a point to prove , the well tuned H2 was full wellie , Lurch , grope ( for a gear ) Lurch , repeat , ditto . Undulateing roads were its undooing , the ' knotty ' handling meant it used most of the drive
tying the frame / suspension in knots . Definately didnt have the ability to be laid over till the pegs ground , at speed , and steadily wind through the bends and brows . More stop- start - lurch- lean- lurch-
yang- twiddle- groan- yang-yang-oops- yang- weave-lurch-yang . e.t.c.
While the Katana mayve had more haul than the Commando , the holes in the powerband supremely evident two up , along with the excess of time it was inadviseable to overtax the chassis further , the
kwakersiki mayve held it in lurches under power , but drop off at ea gear shift . IF the road was flat , smooth , and broard . Motorcycle Maniacs got a 12.2 out of a Combat , late 72 , by running 19T on the
Trans , seeing 17 was an option , or going to 22 and running in three gears , its no issue. Seeing a 5 spped was an option , with Equal gears a Combat or non emmisions 850 will match the quacker in the
Quater . Though haveing valve gear , a pilot capeable of reading a tachometer might be advised .
As far as twisty roads go , until the H2s rear shocks have been Girling or Koni updated , its in the ditch. Before you start looking at undulation or camber changes .
All very well on a Track to run W.F.O. and the devil take the hindmost , but try it on the road and the life insurance of the rider is liable to be called into effect .
" motorcyclist ' in America ran a top ten test after the Z1 came out , featureing both those and another eight contenders .They certainly didnt consider the H2 the better bike except for Zang and drinking habits .
Essentiallyit was a mobile air pump for consumeing fuel , and at 15 to 25 to the gallon , theyred be something entirely awrey if it Didnt produce a bit of Horsepower . Unfortunately , it was no longer legal to market mobile mallaca sets under impending regulations .
As far as ' Highly Strung Race Horse ' goes , Idve thought that dscrbed the Commando to a T , pre electric foot .Pot bellied Nag or Camel wouldve been more fitting to a spitting belching directionally unstable
perpetrator of the Fuel Crisis . It didnt leak oil , it spewed it out the back , or siezed if it wasnt .
Just Remember " One Finger on the Clutch ' , the two stroke riders mantra . Check all those raceing pictures . RELIABLE . ? Who put these commandos together you whinew about , anyway .

:twisted: :roll:
