They were GREEN & wobbling . They HAD to be Kawasakis ! ? .
The T.V. comentator came across as a raving ignoramis , to me . Throwing in a few tecnical tit bits , hypeing it up
but distracting you from the actual race .treating it like a Horse Race , even .Better with the Sound OFF .
You can figure out whats going on, its obvious half the time he hasnt got a clue .
Not to mention it wasnt mentioned theyd cracked 200 mph once . :?

They may well need that much rubber to get the power down , but a few drops of rain and half of them drop it , The worlds best riders , or the worlds best payed ? ?
Have a think , if you were to redesign the Commando , useing a engineers eye , without altering any of the concepts .
Obsolete is drivle in relationship to the layout , or Why are H.D. still selling there large tourers , even if it is to ratbags . ... 75-1.phtml
Theres actually a word describeing the existance of character in machines .Cant think of it right now.
But I think it pertains more to , or at least that character is stronger , in ' man ' built rather than automated process built
machineary .
As for the Grand Prix , when the new Honda or whatever it was came out , at one of the European races , around a year ago
Rossi & Stoner were rideing as rough as guts , in 2nd & 3rd . While the bloke on the new contraption was tucked in and rideing clean and smooth . without leaping all over the place , with the bike emulateing it , like the other two .
Each lack of continuity in motion looseing them speed , and there waverings increaseing the distance and adding bends to the track .
It probably the chassis balance , on a Commando where like a Velo or pre War car , the dynamics of the Chassis actually
do a great deal of the work for you , and assist the road holding . IF its set up right , BALANCED , smooth & Gracefull .
Obviously something with twice the grip has an advantage , and if overtyred a Commando , like anything else , would tie
itself up in knots . Its what the early Japanese roadburners were renouned for doing to themselves .
They had to be ridden by an accomplised gung ho wind it on hook it over and steer it with the power merchant , Raceing .
A Ducati Twin , Motoguzzi , or 71 on Triumph twin .

:lol: could be said to be the first of the MODERN production Chassis .