Café Commando build thread

Jeandr said:
T95 said:
Jeandr said:
Are you the cyclist?

:?: :?: Cyclist? What do you mean :?:


One who rides a bicycle, push bike or what ever it is referred to North of the US.
Jean, you have a vary nice bicycle repair stand hanging near your garage door. It's an item only one who was dedicated to the sport would likely have. Like I said it made me laugh, and that was only because I recognized it.

Sorry, I keep my focus on your project, No need to reply.
Jeandr said:
You know the best way to end an argument is to agree with everything.


I'll agree with that!

We all have different things that trigger our sense of what's fair, or civil, or polite or whatever. I keep telling myself that I'll refrain from preaching and stick to technical stuff in my posts, but sometimes I backslide.

In dangerous Australia i learned they have what is called "reasonable man" attitude, they will post a warning sign, bridge out, sharks out, poisonous snakes about, but leave people alone to take their own risks and a nod if they don't make it, well he sure loved to surf or climb Mts. I learned a lot about stem loads just now to see Jean has every reason to be expedient and get on with the harder parts of his project and show. Also tempts me towards twist bits to get few more oz's off.
Just be aware wire welds can look great outwardly but not melt mixed underneath.
BTW I assume that a drilled Al bearing spacer tube would be fine too?

I'd sure like to get steel box yokes for Peel as RGM alloy yokes only weigh like .5 less than factory steel.
For those who are interested, here is a picture of my stem, welded and ground.

Café Commando build thread

Here is a picture of the frame, I welded up the holes I had made and the ones the factory made to hold the VIN plate. I also made a big hole at the back of the spine tube, I will bolt up an aluminum plate with a fitting to bring the oil down to the engine. Cleaning up would be done by removing the plate.

Café Commando build thread

This is a picture of the lower fork legs, I removed the disk mounting bosses from one leg and the other one was done a few minutes later.

Café Commando build thread

Neato Jeano. Might think about oil temp gauge along with the drain tap at back of spine. I sure am glad some one else is putting all the wasted space to work for em. I found a hidden leak area where the small tube attaches to spine and gusset. Soon as ya can pressure or vacuum test to be sure. It may not exist in every frame as may be just a weld blow through on mine, but could not uncover it w/o cutting the surrounds away so epoxied over to seal area as if another weld bead under neath.

My hi end power machinist tools are bench grinder and hand drill.
Café Commando build thread

i am sure you know this pic Jean but just to remember you to make a proper vent and airspace above oil
New idea to me to make use of the triangle between top and horizontal tube Nice!!!!!!
lynxnsu - thanks for another OIF photo. Where did you provide for a vent above oil level and sloosh? I could not figure one out d/t the slopes here that leave tail higher than stem for a good period, so I just didn't, hoping crank case sucktion will handle it. If not filler cap one way in vent could be opened to allow vent outward.
Started to modify the gas tank. I used a Dremel Multi Max to cut the bottom, the fuel bungs and the filler neck out as well as removing the big gobs of resin left from the original construction. I should have bought one of those a long time ago, it really works well and makes some jobs so much easier.

Café Commando build thread

Café Commando build thread

Café Commando build thread

Café Commando build thread

The gas cap will be flush mounted and I will replace both fuel taps with ones I bought on e-bay, they are not screw on so I can place them easier.

For the disbeleivers, this is how one guy on the chassis design mailing list did his steering neck:

Café Commando build thread

As can be seen in the drawing, only a threaded rod holds the bottom and top triple clamps, and yes that is a permanent solution.

britbike220 said:
What are you going to do with the tank?

First I will sandblast the insides to remove the accumulate crud, then the tank will be relined with fiberglass and vinyl ester resin. I will embed a new chromed flush gas filler which does not leak, new petcocks which do not leak. After doing the insides, I will coat it with something (I still have some Hirsh sealer), then glue the top and bottom together, then reseal the insides again, it should be immune from the dreaded ethanol. I will most likely have to cut a bit more from the front to let the oil filler through. I will look like a Fastback tank but be different enough to raise doubts.

Jeandr said:
.....then reseal the insides again, it should be immune from the dreaded ethanol. ....

Good idea we 've got the stuff in our gas as of December 15th 2010. Looks like we have to buy new stabilizers to deal with it. Plastic tanks like the nylon one on my modern seem to be swelling from the water accumulation caused by the stuff. Ducati and KTM are having problems with it. 1700$ carbon fiber tanks are coming apart as well and are pulled from the market.

Interesting build, looking forward to seeing the finished result.
Took off the top head steady and as Gomer Pyle would say "surprise, surprise, surprise" the bung for the screw in rubber mount was all worn out, I can just imagine it didn't do its job correctly.

Café Commando build thread

My oil filler neck came from this "organ donor" oil tank.

Café Commando build thread

Café Commando build thread

This is mock up of the gas tank with the oil filler neck in place and with the gas cap as it should be when done. The tank is set back from stock about 1" to help clear the oil filler and to give enough room for steering lock.

Café Commando build thread

Café Commando build thread

Oil filler neck welded in place.

Café Commando build thread
hobot said:
lynxnsu - thanks for another OIF photo. Where did you provide for a vent above oil level and sloosh? I could not figure one out d/t the slopes here that leave tail higher than stem for a good period, so I just didn't, hoping crank case sucktion will handle it. If not filler cap one way in vent could be opened to allow vent outward.

breather is just behind headstock , a 6mm innerdia tube .
return is all the way up the main spine but that tube is held in place by baffles , to prevent return of oil while going downhill and braking . capacity is 2.5l

Jean .when you open up your main tube you will find that tou cannot clean it out....
the seat tubes meet that main spine AND GO THROUGH IT
more cutting and welding
imho I do not think oif is a good idea but I had no choice with my exhausts
lynxnsu said:
Jean .when you open up your main tube you will find that tou cannot clean it out....
the seat tubes meet that main spine AND GO THROUGH IT
more cutting and welding
imho I do not think oif is a good idea but I had no choice with my exhausts

Yes I already saw the smaller tube going through the spine tube, but I figured it should not pose a problem. A guy in France who also used the spine as an oil tank didn't take it out like you did, but he ended up adding a 1 liter flat oil tank over the transmission because the oil capacity was only 2 liters. I haven't decided yet what to do about that tube, but taking it out is surely the thing to do.

britbike220 said:
What is the minimum amount of oil you can use to run the motor safely?

Jim would be better at answering this than me, but I think as long as the oil temperature is within limits, anything goes.

Well this is way past the pint of no return...

Café Commando build thread

Café Commando build thread

Now I must clean out the backbone tube, well, what's left of it, and make the oil tank, sounds easy doesn't it :?:

I'd be interested in how you clean out the tubes and or treat them. I'm can't reach in spine as much as your, so I'm going to pickle the insides good with a zink-stromium solution for iron fences and sheet metal storage and paint prep.

Peel had oil temp 2" off bottom of oil tank and once leaked down to 1 qt oil
from oil filter lose. Temps stayed in her normal 150-165 F cruise range. Oil should get hotter than this to cook off moisture and activate the zinc-phos pads for dry oil start up protection of cam/lifters. I calculated that Peel's all frame oil tank will hold 2.5 qt. Whole frame minus rear loop is cooling area, so may have to insulate spine to get up to temp.

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