My commando came with a wassel which was rock solid until I removed it to take primary of to adjust cam chain. I assumed that the points orifice in the timing cover had been machined to fit the wassel by the previous owner but it hadn't... I refitted it but couldn't have been seated quite right as one of the magnets got knocked off.... I decided not to machine the cover and fit a new wassel pick up so went for a new pazon unit. Once pazon fitted I had tick over problems from the start, I eventually took it off the commando and fitted it to my Triton which had been running great, the Triton developed the same tick over issue with the pazon as the commando. I sent it back to pazon and they tested it and found nothing wrong.. they sent me a new unit anyway. I fitted it and it's ok but will get primary machined and fit a wassel soon as no confidence in the pazon. Wish they had found something wrong with it what tested as intermittent electrical faults are a nightmare...