Well, what I would recommend is stay on your side of the river because if you've read my earlier posts on this thread you'll see what the state of Illinois gouges here for title transfers, fees, etc. Even if you get the bike/auto given to you, as you say gifted, you will still pay a minimun sales tax even if this vehicle has changed hands a dozen times previously, you will pay sales tax again, and again, and again every time it changes ownership. Us "downstaters", as everyone who is not part of the urban sprawl of Chicago is referred to here, condemn them, and they us. They say the rest of the state couldn't exist without them. Well I say drop that big black hole in Lake Michigan and lets see what happens. Any Chicagoans can jump in here and tell me how wrong I am. I'm always exasperated when I'm traveling and someone asks where you're from, and I say Illinois. Their response is so often, "Chicago"? like everyone in Illinois lives in Chicago. More topic drift and ranting. I'll shut up now.Title fees in Iowa are only about $25.00, then plate registration and 5% of purchase price sales tax. The bill of sale you present with the title is required and has buyer and seller info and signatures, plus the purchase price. It even has a section that allows you to declare the deal as a "gift"with no money exchanged. If you're like me and trade quite a bit, this is nice because no sales tax is collected. As I said earlier, the small town courthouses I do business with are not the Gestapo, as long as all the forms are signed and in order, it's an easy process.
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