Alton electric start doesnt work anymore

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Not sure how you got to that conclusion mine is too, but I see in your later post you've ordered a new battery and solenoid. Just to be clear how many wires come from your solenoid? Mine has two. Maybe Alton are providing a different one now, as I had one of the wires break off mine. Luckily there was just enough sticking out of the case to allow me to solder (sorry Jimc, no other choice) the wire back on.



Had to do the same with mine
And sadly I too had to use solder
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Seems like a common problem then. I meant to let Alton know about it, but then forgot. I'll drop them a line. I think the problem is much the same as the Boyer stator wires. If not supported the vibes shake the wire until it snaps off. Once I'd soldered mine on I put a blob of black RTV silicone on the end to support it and it's been fine since.


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