961se Norton at the 23rd Annual Clubman's

Dec 30, 2003
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The NCNOC was able to present the new Norton last weekend. This is in front of the club's booth at the All British Clubman's show in San Jose.

961se Norton at the 23rd Annual Clubman's
My two riding buddies were at the show and thought the 961 SE was way cool. I had been looking at the New Norton web site for a while and didn't know they could be purchased here in the States. So, I called the next week and placed an order for one, mailing in my $3000 deposit. I've always had a soft spot for Nortons, having worked at a dealer who sold Norton, Ducati, and Honda back in the mid sixties. I have a couple of Hondas, Triumphs, and Ducatis, and now I will finally have a Norton. In a few months I will have to figure out how I am going to get the bike up from South Bay Norton in Lomita (near Long Beach). Are there any others from the SF Bay area who have also bought one, and how are you planning on getting the bike up here?

Now that they have started shipping SEs to customers, I am anxious to hear what their impressions are of the bike. Hopefully someone will post comments on this forum soon.
terrys said:
Are there any others from the SF Bay area who have also bought one, and how are you planning on getting the bike up here?

I might be a little dense, but wouldn't you just ride it? :mrgreen:
Rob94010 said:
To see a 961 in the flesh was awsome. Ok, How did you guys get one for the show?

Two of the club members negotiated with Southbay, then drove to Lomita to pick up the 961SE for the show then returned it, around 1200 miles spent on road to bring you lucky people a look at the new British Norton.


You might be the first 961 owner in northern California, so give us your impression. Did you get a delivery date? :D
Hey Terry, I live in Long Beach! Want me to ride it up to you? LOL LOL LOL Just kidding. Matt Is a GREAT guy I am sure he has a way to get it to you. His dealership is only about 4 miles from where I work. I saw the new bikes at the Long Beach show, I was very impressed with the looks and finish on them. Stuart seems to be a great guy who seems to care about what he's doing, This means a lot to him and I feel he really wants to get it right.
Not a good thing with a brand new bike, I would think you would want to give it a little time before riding that long at one rpm range.
Take the PCH. That should be fun. I rode my BSA 500 from Monterey to Santa Barbara and back once. Nice ride.

Thanks for the responses,
I would love to ride the bike up, but I am 62 and have a bad back, having to 'tune' the handlebars on most bikes before I can ride them more than a few miles. Once set up right, I can go 7 hours in the saddle on the rides around here with no problems. I will certainly be taking the bike to Alice's once I get the bars right.
So far I have only been told that I can expect delivery in 2-3 months. As I understand it they promised to deliver all the British orders before they start shipping to North America. I will certainly post my impressions of the bike on this forum once I take delivery. I am told several celebrities have purchased this bike, I wonder if we will see it on Jay Leno's garage web site some day.
terrys said:
Thanks for the responses,
I would love to ride the bike up, but I am 62 and have a bad back, having to 'tune' the handlebars on most bikes before I can ride them more than a few miles. Once set up right, I can go 7 hours in the saddle on the rides around here with no problems. I will certainly be taking the bike to Alice's once I get the bars right.
So far I have only been told that I can expect delivery in 2-3 months. As I understand it they promised to deliver all the British orders before they start shipping to North America. I will certainly post my impressions of the bike on this forum once I take delivery. I am told several celebrities have purchased this bike, I wonder if we will see it on Jay Leno's garage web site some day.

I'll bet the dealer will let you spend all day tuning your bike.
Hortons Norton said:
I can guess Keanu Reeves has ordered one or two of them.

I heard Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are going to have a hair-pull over the first example to hit these shores. :mrgreen: