Agreed.I'm gonna stop beating this dead horse.
I think we've all given Dr. Bob food for thought.
Let's see what owner feedback revels.
StephenIdle issues…”you don’t think that’s so bad…”. Or, you could read what I actually write FE! No matter mate - we both know that I am well used to you mischaracterising what I say (from elsewhere). It bothers me less over time.
You’re ‘offended‘ that these problems still exist? Really? We have an idle problem on a couple of bikes yet to reach first service, or to be fault diagnosed. Where is the perspective?
Agreed, if the issue remains systemic from the Donington days then that’s a really bad outcome and Norton need to sort it, and quickly - and then move on!! Or, alternatively, we could continue to crucify them with language and an attitude shown so often on this forum - to what end????
You appear to be continuing to make a particular issue out of the noisy primary (No 1 concern - # 943) - the reason for the sale of your 961 - whilst at the same time agreeing that it’s not gonna lead to serious defects. We know that to be true.
As a well respected, obviously astute forum member with an engineering background who wants Norton to ’prosper’, maybe you might pause a moment before you post the phrase ‘f#ck that’ to purchasing the Birmingham 961. Unless you believe that is good, sound advice?
If so, then post away.
I thought he was a full time forum monitor?Stephen
I was wondering if I may, with no disrespect, could I ask what you do for a living?
Happy as you are to end this discussion, but you asked a question FE and took the opportunity to summarise. Fair enough.Why should I pause before saying f*ck that ??
I am telling you what MY thought process was as a genuine potential customer and neither wish to retract or appologise for the comment.
I hope Norton read it and take note because, as I’ve said very clearly, I doubt very much I’m alone in those thoughts. Which if correct means that these issues are driving customers away.
Resolve the issues and you kill the negative chat and stop driving customers away. That’s how I’m looking at this mate and in my opinion it ain’t rocket science.
You might be ‘bothered less’ by this next point but I’m not… I’m tired of it… please state CLEARLY where I have mischaracterised you. If you can, I will apologise as it was certainly not intentional. And if you can’t, stop saying it.
I was wondering if I may, with no disrespect, could I ask what you do for a living?
Stephen what you fail to realize, is this should have never happened. Supposedly TVS addressed all of these issues and supposedly they test run these bikes in before they leave the factory.Happy as you are to end this discussion, but you asked a question FE and took the opportunity to summarise. Fair enough.
I wonder what is ‘driving more customers away’ - a couple of bikes displaying idle problems (as initially disappointing as that is) prior to their first service and at the start of a 2 year warranty period - or, what some may view as overblown negative rhetoric from the premier technical knowledge base for the Norton 961?
The primary may sound loud to some but is (very) unlikely to cause difficulties and as you agree, whatever the idle issue is will ‘most likely be a simple fix’ at the first service. Rather than reflective rhetoric, let’s have outrage at outcomes if in 6 months time this bike is displaying associated faults.
My opinion only.
With respect FE, read my thoughts about the continuation of the idle issues and if they are found to remain systemic from the Donington era. Is your characterisation that I ‘don’t think it’s so bad’ remotely accurate. That’s not a question.
I agree. I actually live quite close to the factory, but my issues is… it’s what I do for a living! I’m not paid to paint a glossy picture though, I’m paid to find problems and potential improvements and offer solutions. And I’m good at it !Much of this discussion could be put to bed if a few of us just got together and went on a plant tour. There are many things you can see and hear and ask in person that would otherwise never be published or offered officially in writing.
If I was in the UK and I was considering a 961, rather then spending/wasting the time here, I would just go there, look around, soak it all up and and ask direct questions.
Another person I would go see is Stu Bodycote. Pay him for his time even. He is disassembling a Classic. What better source of info if you pair these two together?
I am not in the UK, and I bought the damn thing outright already.
For the rest of you in the country...
YOU do not / will not accept that other people have other opinions / thoughts / feelings to you.
I did so because you have argued strongly and repeatedly that the issues being discussed are minor and will be addressed at the first service etc. Put simply, you have played down their severity, strongly and repeatedly
Now that's just plain Bitchy , and not helpful to anyone, is it?.Stephen Spencer is right. He’s always right.
TVS Norton is the best and they know exactly what they are doing.
They know the very best way to run their business and how to please current and potential customers.
Norton is run by very loving and trustworthy, dedicated employees. They are enthusiastic to help you, and current owners achieve their dreams.
They completely understand the customer base, they said they improved 1/3 of the 961, they said quality is of the utmost importance to them.
They will not disappoint.
They will succeed.
Nortons history has never failed. Never.
Any problems you have with your beautiful and beloved 961 will be addressed at its first service. After all, we do provide the standard 2 year warranty on a hand made motorcycle.
While it is true, some other manufacturers offer 3 year warranties, we at Norton have taken great pride with our team of experienced and professional motorcycle builders that we feel 2 years is more than enough.
Don’t be discouraged if you have a few minor issues in the first few miles of your brand new, beloved Norton 961!
Rest assured, we will address and cover those concerns when you return for its very first white glove service.
My name is Dr Robert and I approve this message.
Why because it’s true?Now that's just plain Bitchy , and not helpful to anyone, is it?.
Well, if by that you mean that I end up arguing a lot with Mr Spencer, yes, I agree.Eddie you are becoming the new Voodooo as well!!
can we call the thread "If you want to be a dick please post here"?Well, if by that you mean that I end up arguing a lot with Mr Spencer, yes, I agree.
Let’s just make a list of all of the other people I argue that much with in my 19,000 plus posts… err… well… erm… no… it’s just Stephen !
Praps we should start a 3 way Eddie / Voodoo / Spencer thread and keep the other threads clean !
We could even do a ‘pay per view’ with it !!