1975 Commando 850 restoration

If you want a bolt on breather that helps to manage (NOT cure) wet sumping, then this is my advice:

You still need to keep an eye on things, and if the bike has been left long enough for the oil level to drop below the gauze in the tank outlet, then you should still drain the sump by removing the drain screw and kicking it over a few times. But, in normal use inc being parked up for 2-3 weeks, this breather does a perfect job of evacuating sump oil back to the tank.
Holy crap! I've got the Devil's rotors. I gotta get these blanchard ground soon!

All kidding aside, is there enough rotor to be ground? What is the thickness of a new rotor?


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
    193.4 KB · Views: 448
Two steps back today. Thought I was punching out the kickstart bushing but in reality I was beating the shit out of my outer cover! Go ahead and call me names, you can't make me feel any worse. I feel like a dumb ass and am embarrassed by my ineptitude. Looks like I'll be purchasing a new outer cover. Crap!


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
    390.3 KB · Views: 417
Got my frame and other items back from the powder coater. I'll have to get out the Dremel and do some grinding. No biggie. This stuff is BEAUTIFUL! I am very happy with the quality.


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
    143.1 KB · Views: 326
Two steps back today. Thought I was punching out the kick-start bushing but in reality I was beating the shit out of my outer cover! Go ahead and call me names, you can't make me feel any worse. I feel like a dumb ass and am embarrassed by my ineptitude. Looks like I'll be purchasing a new outer cover. Crap!
Larry, all you did was bust out part of the depth stop for the oil seal. If you are careful, you can still install a new seal, provided the bore for the kick-start bushing is OK. That said, there sure is a lot of porosity on the outer surface of that cover.
Here's more pics of the powder coating.


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
    174.8 KB · Views: 285
  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
    154.5 KB · Views: 291
Progress of sorts. Installing my swingarm and cradle I've found that I don't know which Z plate this little guide item goes on. If anyone has info or pics I would appreciate it.


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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Oil line retention clip. Part 23

Goes inside of the right z plate on lower bolt #3 and keeps the oil line off the swingarm.

Oil line retention clip. Part 23

Goes inside of the right z plate on lower bolt #3 and keeps the oil line off the swingarm.

Thank you for your prompt reply. I didn’t see it on the drawing when I looked earlier.
More progress


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
    173.8 KB · Views: 267
  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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