Well Access Norton has my attention atm along with all you all .
As uncertainty exists at this stage I thought this thread may be of reference if we can’t get spares , we know brembo callipers go on brakes for other bikes but which ones , & I think the discs may be Yamaha ? , I know the red plastic fuel spigot is used in car fuel injection & is made by JG ( John Guest) & fuel pump is Moto Guzzi, clutch plates might be Suzuki .
So if we know what parts are readily available from other main stream bikes it’s going to make life easier, I replaced my rear indicator s with identical ones from a triumph 1050 sprint ( with flexible stems) tip from Lincolnshire poacher that one .
Any other info we know please post
Hi Guys

I went through this grief a number of years ago when Norton nearly went under and I had severe clutch problems.............Please find below an earlier post of mine which may be of help

Hi Guys

I had a lot of problems with my 2010 961 SE clutch and tried to find out as much as I could

I hope the following may be of some help to owners & members of the forum

One of the many I contacted was EBC Brakes, who were excellent

This is a quote from them,

"I have looked at the spring – 219 different types here now and can only match it to our CSK126 (nearest we have so check fit and feel of this item to see if it will do the job)"
N.B. I have not personally tested this spring on my 961 SE yet, so do not know how effective it is

With respect to 961 clutch plates (and I can only quote again what was on my 2010 961 SE)
I also did hear that the clutch was of Suzuki manufacture on the 952 Kenny Dreer prototypes
However the clutch on my 2010 961 SE, appears to be from a Yamaha R6

"The friction plate with the number 383 stamped on it is a Yamaha plate – their p/no 383 16321 00 and relates to our CK2255 which has 8 plates and has a thickness of 3.00mm from new.
Now the steel plates we only sell in a kit with springs and I don’t have a listing for 7 steels and the friction plates at the moment – again part was Yamaha and is our P43 and Yamaha reference is 31A 16325 00."

i know this is correct as I have been running an EBC clutch on the 961SE since 2015

I hope this is some help to members


Yes that’s very useful , & advise anyone to check their clutch basket at 12,000 ( mine had a spring break at 16,000 )& it proceeded to mash the balence shaft & ruin a few other things to( very unpleasant noise I can tell yer)
. Ouch !
I'm not even sure I need them yet although I did order a few sets. The last set from the factory were supposed to be the upgraded rubbers. I received my new tires. Went with the Dunlop Q3 plus. Got 7300 miles on the ones that came on the bike although the new Dunlops have a strip of carbon fiber added to the center. The Bridgestones were total crap. 4700 miles and the are worn to the fibers with a serious flat center. Never felt as confident cornering on the either. A few slide outs. Anyway, going to wait for the rubbers to arrive in the post before removing the wheel. Taking a few slow rides. Under 100 anyway.
Hi Guys

I went through this grief a number of years ago when Norton nearly went under and I had severe clutch problems.............Please find below an earlier post of mine which may be of help

Hi Guys

I had a lot of problems with my 2010 961 SE clutch and tried to find out as much as I could

I hope the following may be of some help to owners & members of the forum

One of the many I contacted was EBC Brakes, who were excellent

This is a quote from them,

"I have looked at the spring – 219 different types here now and can only match it to our CSK126 (nearest we have so check fit and feel of this item to see if it will do the job)"
N.B. I have not personally tested this spring on my 961 SE yet, so do not know how effective it is

With respect to 961 clutch plates (and I can only quote again what was on my 2010 961 SE)
I also did hear that the clutch was of Suzuki manufacture on the 952 Kenny Dreer prototypes
However the clutch on my 2010 961 SE, appears to be from a Yamaha R6

"The friction plate with the number 383 stamped on it is a Yamaha plate – their p/no 383 16321 00 and relates to our CK2255 which has 8 plates and has a thickness of 3.00mm from new.
Now the steel plates we only sell in a kit with springs and I don’t have a listing for 7 steels and the friction plates at the moment – again part was Yamaha and is our P43 and Yamaha reference is 31A 16325 00."

i know this is correct as I have been running an EBC clutch on the 961SE since 2015

I hope this is some help to members



You Sir are a Legend !!
Just received my SCS Delta 400 with pre-loaded 961 Norton aftermarket exhaust map :


Hi Tony, very interested in your progress with this, I'm running the SCS OEM on my 2015, with all the critical equipment changes (BOSCH parts etc) that I have made Im happy with the running now so interested if this is an improvement on the overall smoothness and particularly the AIC aspect.

My Idle works now ALWAYS with the (NAIS) valve I installed . So that's no longer a problem with me ever . The Delta 400 is more of a spare part solution really . But improvements will certainly be posted ! The Norton 961 is not like a normal bikes any longer with regard to spares availability . I am now looking into a tip over sensor part from Triumph . I saw on the internet Triumph may be using a similar (or the same) tip over sensor and a few other bikes as well . So , if it can be sourced then plug and play . Now throttle cables etc. etc.. We can't just call a dealer OR Norton any longer . I also want to heap praise on SCS Delta for helping us even though it is a good business decision for them to do this. I am working on a resistor cheater for the Tip Over sensor. I know I have done this already BUT I want to make it perfect with the correct resistance values . So , when finished I will post what values to use etc.. I can also provide a service to those who can't solder or don't want to . So DON"T throw away your Tip Over sensor unit ! I will put resistors in it for you and send it back to you for the perfect Tip Over cheat . With the original unit in place nobody will know but you.


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Forgive my ignorance, whats the issue with the Tip Over Sensor ? something wrong with it or just a bypass ?

They have a rotating magnet(?) which flogs out due to all the vibes in the tail piece and if i understand correctly when worn can result in the engine cutting out randomly.
Again if i understand correctly the resistors get rid of the rotating bit so that you don't get random cut outs, but also mean it will no longer cut out if you tip over.
They have a rotating magnet(?) which flogs out due to all the vibes in the tail piece and if i understand correctly when worn can result in the engine cutting out randomly.
Again if i understand correctly the resistors get rid of the rotating bit so that you don't get random cut outs, but also mean it will no longer cut out if you tip over.

Ahhh got it, thanks..
Hi Guys

I went through this grief a number of years ago when Norton nearly went under and I had severe clutch problems.............Please find below an earlier post of mine which may be of help

Hi Guys

I had a lot of problems with my 2010 961 SE clutch and tried to find out as much as I could

I hope the following may be of some help to owners & members of the forum

One of the many I contacted was EBC Brakes, who were excellent

This is a quote from them,

"I have looked at the spring – 219 different types here now and can only match it to our CSK126 (nearest we have so check fit and feel of this item to see if it will do the job)"
N.B. I have not personally tested this spring on my 961 SE yet, so do not know how effective it is

With respect to 961 clutch plates (and I can only quote again what was on my 2010 961 SE)
I also did hear that the clutch was of Suzuki manufacture on the 952 Kenny Dreer prototypes
However the clutch on my 2010 961 SE, appears to be from a Yamaha R6

"The friction plate with the number 383 stamped on it is a Yamaha plate – their p/no 383 16321 00 and relates to our CK2255 which has 8 plates and has a thickness of 3.00mm from new.
Now the steel plates we only sell in a kit with springs and I don’t have a listing for 7 steels and the friction plates at the moment – again part was Yamaha and is our P43 and Yamaha reference is 31A 16325 00."

i know this is correct as I have been running an EBC clutch on the 961SE since 2015

I hope this is some help to members


WOW. Awesome research and info.
They have a rotating magnet(?) which flogs out due to all the vibes in the tail piece and if i understand correctly when worn can result in the engine cutting out randomly.
Again if i understand correctly the resistors get rid of the rotating bit so that you don't get random cut outs, but also mean it will no longer cut out if you tip over.
Presumably that's a normally closed relay that opens on fault? Not trying to oversimplify just get my head around it all, electrickery not my subject.
I think Bluey knows this . He is trying to find one or least he wants to know if he is getting the right one. What this does is stop any debris from oil tank jamming open the one way valve in the oil pump. What you need is a micron rating and flow rate . I will try and find something.

This should work : It works for HD and that's what Norton 961 needs a coarse screen and magnet. Dare I say this is better than what Norton Used !


Ordered that part, in transit to Aus as I type, have also purchased a crimping tool locally for the stainless O clips.

Thanks for your help TonyA
I have been told by a guy on FB that the clocks fitted to our Nortons were supplied by Continental Automotive Trading, Gravelly Industrial Park, Birmingham B24 8TA. I checked their website and one of the brands under their umbrella is VDO so that fits. They don't list a telephone number so I have sent them a message asking what they know, what they can do to assist current owners or what the unit part numbers are. I will let you know if I hear from them.
Just received the Triumph Fall Detection Switch P/N T2502405 , and it is an exact fit and function for Norton 961 :


Also , the resistor cheat is finished for the Tip Sensor as follows :
5.1 K ohm resistor VCC pin to S (signal) pin , and 510 ohm resistor S pin to GND pin . This 10 to 1 ratio maintains the .5 vdc of the working unit and keeps current draw 1 ma or less. :


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