Just thought I’d add my recent experience to the Cush Drive thread. Last week while I had the wheels off for new tyres I checked the Cush drives and sure enough they were well worn so I started tracking down new ones. Got onto the local Talon rep here in Aus, as per earlier reports here, John Titman Racing in Brisbane. They had the new type in stock so I ordered a set through a local bike shop. They turned up a couple of days later and I duly began to install them. Then it got a bit tricky. The drive rubber would fit in the hub fine and it would fit on the drive bolts fine but it won’t fit both. This must be due to the extra hardness of the newer type and not being able to compress it enough once the rubber is in the hub. I took them to a local polyurethane manufacturer and measured the hardness at 95 on the Shore A scale, the old ones measured about 80. A bit of collaboration with an engineer type mate and we decided the best way to go was to machine the heads of the drive bolts rather than try and machine the actual drive rubbers. These we turned down to 19.6mm which gave me a nice push fit, this meant removing approximately .9mm off the diameter of the head. This worked a treat, there’s plenty of body to the bolt head, and the rear is back together and feels great. Next step is to try and turn up some polyurethane rod for future changes, a 300mm long, 32mm diameter rod in Shore A 90 polyurethane costs about $25 AUD so would be much more economical as well, the ones from JTR were $18 AUD each.
Also just to add, the rubbers I changed were the second lot and were fitted at 5,750 kl at the first annual service, the bike now has 18,000 kl, so not too bad.