Choke left on?
Choke is off. Thank you for your input, it is appreciated.
John,Welcome John. You have Norton in your blood, so no wonder you've been hankering after one. Your grandad was a regular name on race programs in the 60's 70's and 80's, and I remember it well. According to this article on he narrowly missed out being in the JPN team after he and Peter Williams won the Thruxton 500 mile endurance race in 1970 on a Commando.
This is a great picture of him jumping Ballaugh Bridge on the IOM, this time Guzzi mounted..
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A thought about your bike issue. Contrary to most other carbs the choke will be off when the when the choke lever is all the way counter clockwise ( i.e. cable under tension) so it may be that the choke cable for the right carb has snapped and allowed the choke plunger to drop.
Also check that the plug lead is fully pushed into the coil. I found mine was not, and was being held in place by the boot so the spark was having to jump 1/2" before it ever got to the plug.
Yes, old fuel that has been sitting a while can cause havoc. If it's been sitting, the carbs are probably fouled. Probably best not to guess and go ahead and pull the carbs and thoroughly clean all the pin hole orifices (with small needle like carb cleaners). This is a good opportunity to check your bowl floats (do they float and if they do, what's the cutoff level) and float valve, as well as what jets you have.If the bike has inline fuel filters they can become full of gunk and restrict the fuel flow hence it bogs down under load. Same with the fuel tank petcocks, over time they gunk up and will restrict the fuel flow.
Hi John
We (crmc) still race for the Charlie Sanby trophy. One of our King of (circuit) events.
Charlie's was always linked to the Lord of Lydden trophy. Big man a gentle giant & a fast rider.
We've not been to Lydden for a while & Charlies race has moved around other circuits. He raced with the Crmc & I believe he rode his last race at Lydden while he was very I'll. I will try & find the write up the club did. Alan Robinson the voice from the tower gave him a beautiful eulogy.
That's where I'd start, because they're simple checks, before getting into ignition. Could be as simple as rust blocking the peacock filters, reducing flow.First thought is it sounds like a lack of fuel.
My check list would be…
1. Check fuel cap filler cap is breathing ok. Check the pinhole is clear. Try opening the fuel cap when the bike bogs.
2. check the fuel flow from the petcocks. Does running with both petcocks open make a difference?
3. check carb float heights.
Whatever you do, only make one change at a time!
Absolutely . I got stuck in Northern Ontario bush with wife and camping gear on the bike when the left jet assembly dropped out to the bottom of the float bowl . Knew what the problem was with a black carboned - up plug and eventual failure of the plug . Kept swapping the plugs over to keep the motor running until getting to some real help . Terrible gas mileage , where the Interstate tank helped . The jet assembly must be really tight . The carbs are violently shaken like say popcorn .Hi John, welcome to the wonderful(ly) world of Commandos! FWIW also check the affected side’s main jet hasn’t come loose . Had that and it does mess things up as you’ve described. good luck![]()