From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967

Oh yep gotta watch that with the modern ones!

An indeed RD350LC 1980 with so many nos parts unfortunately having to let it go to help fund the house move so if anyone’s after one with parts that you will never ever see nos again together lemme know, was actually the first motorcycle dad an I got together :) lotta memories!

At one point I had 4 2x rd350lc 2x Rd250lcs the rzv500r that’s in the opening post an a rd250c

Now it’s just the Nortons the bmw 1150 an the Nx500 I got for dad :)
Quite a lot of progress today listed the 350lc over the weekend,

Decided to colour sand an polish the tank I’m still learning with this stuff made a tiny mistake on the other side so gonna sort that with some polish, as I’ve just re done the colour sanding, considering it was rattle cans an I’ve not got a da happy for now, eventually I wanna get an ally tank made as this steel one is quite heavy.

Next step is to hand enamel some badges to fit the smaller Indian roundels,

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967
From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967
everyone hope we are all well it’s all action on the motorcycle front at the moment :) ordering the final bits for the Commando this week,

An today I refitted the Magneto after it went away to find an issue (someone had made part of the points block outta the wrong material an when the mag was under a few hours of riding its stop the spark, which caused me a few long pushes!

now that’s refitted to the flat tank Norton she’s running again n I did a 3 mile loop few teething problems to sort out, that are different from last time.

I’m currently trying to settle on the timing on her for our modern day 99 Ron fuel an I’m currently getting black spark plugs again so gonna reduce the pre-filled amount of oil in the sump back to 200ml now From 265ml (ballpark to what Norton Georges book said) an try a few modern plug equivalents to the old klg hs3 they would have come with. I’ve got that down as an nkg ab6 from previous notes.

Gonna try those tomorrow while I rule out the C3 plug incase it’s gone bad.

Once I’ve got to the bottom of the flat tanker I’m gonna carry on with the WD16H :)

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967
everyone hope we are all well it’s all action on the motorcycle front at the moment :) ordering the final bits for the Commando this week,

An today I refitted the Magneto after it went away to find an issue (someone had made part of the points block outta the wrong material an when the mag was under a few hours of riding its stop the spark, which caused me a few long pushes!

now that’s refitted to the flat tank Norton she’s running again n I did a 3 mile loop few teething problems to sort out, that are different from last time.

I’m currently trying to settle on the timing on her for our modern day 99 Ron fuel an I’m currently getting black spark plugs again so gonna reduce the pre-filled amount of oil in the sump back to 200ml now From 265ml (ballpark to what Norton Georges book said) an try a few modern plug equivalents to the old klg hs3 they would have come with. I’ve got that down as an nkg ab6 from previous notes.

Gonna try those tomorrow while I rule out the C3 plug incase it’s gone bad.

Once I’ve got to the bottom of the flat tanker I’m gonna carry on with the WD16H :)

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967

Did you sell the Elsie ?
Bit more progress on the 1927 16h Flat Tank Norton today been out on the 16h 4 miles this morning then an 11 an a half mile test ride at pace down some country lanes.

She was absolutely flying at points, on some national roads got some footage to come of that, this was the plug after getting caught in some traffic n held up by modern vehicles much improved over previous some more fine tuning to do 🙂 a huge step in the right direction.

After getting the magneto sorted,
running morris C40 castor an a C3 plug, settled at 200ml in the sump, itl be interesting to look at the plug after the ride back,

now to get the WD16H sorted over the next couple of weeks.

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967
Bit more progress

Elsie sold went to a really nice person just gotta sell all the other nos parts now.

Good news is I have some more room in the workshop now.

Got both the 68’ Commando and the WW2 Norton into an easy position to work on them.
Planning on getting the WD16H running next week :) got a bit of time.

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967

Also got out on the flat tanker again she’s running nice.

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967
Well everyone what a happy day this is a huge thanks to Martyn who messaged me out of the blue on the WD Fb group with a part I have been trying to get hold of for 4 years! You guessed it looking at the picture the late type rear carrier for the WW2 Norton!

Next up I’ve gotta fabricate a side stand bracket for it an get the other brackets to fit my nos pannier frames.

Keeping our classic motorcycles an rolling pieces of history really is a team effort :)

What a monumental day everyone!

In other news it looks like my nos rd350lc mph speedo a rev counter are getting collected on Saturday that leaves one remaining nos mph speedo to sell after Saturday, the tank, an a few other smalls then that’s the end of me having Japanese classics.

The end of an era! N the commitment to these iconic WD bikes an Nortons.

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967
Hi team I hope we are all well got a bit of a gutter news wise update for everyone probably noticed my absence unfortunately due to delays with our house move I’m gonna have to let the 1968 Norton Commando go she’s one of the first 70 ever made.

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967

For those wondering what it takes to get a bike to this stage n what’s been featured in the videos.

Original purchase price an then,

Andover Norton parts £3,247.20
Seager £397.20 cylinder head skim valve guides and guides.
Norman White £268 frame update to 69 upper support and jig
Pete Lovell £100 hone.
Total £4,000 in expenditure.

Following has been done,

All the following bits brand new from Andover.

New AN oil pump, new AN shells, hone by Pete lovell, new AN pistons and rings, cylinder head had a skim, valves, guides, all done by seager engineering, new rocker spindles, new valve adjusters, new electronic ignition tri spark, new coils, new cables, new bars, new fork springs, new bars, grips levers, new rear shocks

Also fitted with premier Concentrics used for 100 miles, new motobatt battery, vernier ISO’s new reflectors correct type,

I always thought she was a forever bike but with the delays to the house move, needs must so here you go n if anyone’s ever fancied a super early Norton Commando here’s your chance :)

I’ll stick a seperate post up in the for sale section shortly for anyone that’s interested in the coming days.

I guess as one journey ends the next one begins with the WW2 Norton an hopefully post house move when we are a bit more sorted again financially a 2nd WD bike for dad to come on the trips.

So yep that’s the end of my journey with the 68 Commando sad time but also hopeful for the future and some travel with dad on modern bikes together since he got diagnosed with stage 3b/4 prostate cancer it really shifted my perspective on some things.
Lil bit of progress today on the Commando :)

Got the carbs refitted an decided to test fit the tank,

Big sick today unfortunately with a food intolerance so could only stay out for 30 mins n back to bed gutted.

She’s looking a bit more like a Commando now :)

Left to do is fit a few nuts here n there that I’ve gotta order tomorrow, time her up refit the oil tank an she’s done n ready to be run in.

Gonna miss her that’s for sure,

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967
Lil bit of progress today on the Commando :)

Got the carbs refitted an decided to test fit the tank,

Big sick today unfortunately with a food intolerance so could only stay out for 30 mins n back to bed gutted.

She’s looking a bit more like a Commando now :)

Left to do is fit a few nuts here n there that I’ve gotta order tomorrow, time her up refit the oil tank an she’s done n ready to be run in.

Gonna miss her that’s for sure,

From 22 to mid 30s Norton Passion and Restoration Norton 1927 16H Flat Tanker, Norton RAF 1944 WD16H, Norton Commando 1968, Norton 650ss 1967
I know this might not be how you feel at the moment mate, but…

It’s worth remembering that these things are only motorbikes. They’re only toys. And they’re all replaceable. There are many more important things in life and sometimes other priorities trump our toys.

The only cautionary note I’d add is that right now is a pretty bad time to be selling, prices have dropped considerably. So unless you really need to sell now, it may be beneficial to hang on a bit.
I know this might not be how you feel at the moment mate, but…

It’s worth remembering that these things are only motorbikes. They’re only toys. And they’re all replaceable. There are many more important things in life and sometimes other priorities trump our toys.

The only cautionary note I’d add is that right now is a pretty bad time to be selling, prices have dropped considerably. So unless you really need to sell now, it may be beneficial to hang on a bit.
Thanks Sabre an Eddie appreciate the comments,

N yep that’s totally the way I view it mate just gotta get through this house move then everything will be ok tbh reducing any stress for my dad with his stage 3b/4 prostate cancer is more important to me than me hanging onto the commando.

I think we all have those moments in life where priorities and thoughts shift quite drastically, sold my Elsie, an the 1150gsa earlier in the year an it didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would considering that the Elsie was the first ever bike.

Just gotta keep moving forward each day :) an hopefully by April we should be down in Somerset downsized and ok which should let dad an I do some travelling on modern bikes while he’s able.

The big plan is going to Norway doing small miles per day and staying in Hotels so he’s comfortable.

Unfortunately it’s one of those things where she’s gotta go so unfortunately I’ll end up taking a huge hit on it financially but it is what it is :) I’ve had the sheer pleasure out of doing the work on her. Which has been an amazing experience for me.

I always said to dad if they end up worthless one day I’m not bothered because they are my passion n I think if you go into classic motorcycles with that mindset you never stress about the value don’t get me wrong it’s a gutter when something like this happens but I’ve found myself in an unusual situation when we had delays to the house move, last year with dads treatment.

I’ve been having a bit of a look n slowly getting a handle on where the commandos are actually selling, I’ll stick her in the for sale section next week once I’ve got her running an on eBay.

Gonna miss her that’s for sure.

Hopefully by doing this though I can hang onto the 650ss although the Commandos the better bike I think the 650ss is a bike that’s always been a big part of my life, as that was my first Norton, so Commando it is n if needs be the 650ss later.

N then I’ll just view it as an opportunity to try something new in the future

Life’s a gutter sometimes but I will get there though :) just very much taking one day at a time.