Tri spark and carb issues

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Feb 26, 2023
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I have a 73 Commando with a single 34mm mikuni and a tri spark ignition. The problems I'm having: in order to get it to run decently the air screw on the carb has to be completely screwed in and the tri spark, I actually had to file the slots so I could rotate it further clockwise. Any ideas as to why this would be?
That makes sense. Motor was recently rebuilt. They possibly installed rotor incorrectly. And will check pilot. Thanks!
Motor was recently rebuilt. They possibly installed rotor incorrectly.

An M8 extractor bolt is normally included in the Tri-Spark kit so use it (or another M8) to extract the rotor, then reposition the rotor to put the adjustment back within the range of the slots.
Carb should have a 35 or 40 pilot jet.

If you have stored the bike with ethanol in the fuel it can clog the idle jet in less than 2 months.

I have a 73 Commando with a single 34mm mikuni and a tri spark ignition. The problems I'm having: in order to get it to run decently the air screw on the carb has to be completely screwed in and the tri spark, I actually had to file the slots so I could rotate it further clockwise. Any ideas as to why this would be?
The latest Tri-Spark (Tri-0006) manual is here: Classic Twin Manual 2021.pdf

You may have the earlier version:

Tri spark and carb issues

The instructions are the same but the markings on the stator different.

The troubleshooting instructions for the older version (Tri-0005b) are here: the Classic Twin Igntion System.pdf
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