Adjust front drum brake norton commando

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Mar 12, 2012
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The front brake on my 1968 Fastback has gotten a bit squishy. There are adjusters at the handlebar lever and at the drum. What's the best way to increase the brake response?
Basic procedure is to ensure the connecting rod length is correct. Adjust the threaded clevis so that both brake shoes contact drum surface simultaneously. Accomplishing this in reality means disconnecting the rod, and then finding the point in the travel of each brake arm where the shoes are applying equal pressure. Then, with your third hand, adjust the spacing between the clevis's so that the pin is a slip fit.

This will just get you a basic slowing/stopping device. If you really want to get something out of the TLS you need to radius the shoes to the drum, and install the stiffening plate.

Here's a good resource:
Adjust front drum brake norton commando
Adjust front drum brake norton commando
Adjust front drum brake norton commando
Adjust front drum brake norton commando
Basic procedure is to ensure the connecting rod length is correct. Adjust the threaded clevis so that both brake shoes contact drum surface simultaneously. Accomplishing this in reality means disconnecting the rod, and then finding the point in the travel of each brake arm where the shoes are applying equal pressure. Then, with your third hand, adjust the spacing between the clevis's so that the pin is a slip fit.

This will just get you a basic slowing/stopping device. If you really want to get something out of the TLS you need to radius the shoes to the drum, and install the stiffening plate.

Here's a good resource:
Thank you!
Slacken the front wheel spindle, apply the brake then re-tighten.
Then carry out the above setting up procedures.
Yes, third hand essential.
EDIT - Just noticed the lower page - nothing to see here :rolleyes:
That said, I think it should apply to all drums, front and rear.
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