Warning Light Assimilator

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Jun 7, 2020
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I have a wiring problem in my Norton Commando 850 Electric Start where the Ignition warning light is on and working but when the engine starts it doesn’t go out. I assume the warning light assimilator is bad, but I don’t know where the location of it is? Can anyone help me find the Warning Light Assimilator?

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It’s the can on a spring behind your coils.

I had the same problem and a new one corrected it. Then my oil pump failed, the engine was messed up pretty bad and I wish I done an oil pressure light conversion.


  • Warning Light Assimilator
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I see you are in Australia, if the one you have is faulty I have a new one still in the AN sealed bag you can have. (I got a charge monitor instead afterward)

Maybe a wire / connection dislodged (depending if it is a new problem)
It’s the can on a spring behind your coils.
Only early 850 Mk3s had the silver (originally) can 3AW assimilator in that location so possibly not.
Most had the encapsulated types below attached to the battery tray:

Or, for Canada:
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It’s the can on a spring behind your coils.

I had the same problem and a new one corrected it. Then my oil pump failed, the engine was messed up pretty bad and I wish I done an oil pressure light conversion.
The above is prior to 75. OP mentions e-start that makes it 75
Tx Lab for your efforts here, no one else can answer questions & consistently, anywhere near as capably, or even close.

The above post is the first i've heard that for Canada with the headlight on law, the red light stays on?

Dunno if correct, or may be the same elsewhere, The OP describes it as a prob, also assumed an assimilator issue & getting the new part to see.
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So for Canada, they got a light that was to alert you to the electrical charging condition by using a light that never goes off with the ignition on ?
You couldn't make that stuff up., it sounds like something Private Pike would come up with.
Here's the quote, i can confirm that a law came in like cars today, engine running = headlight on, or they call it daytime running lights today. On cars they use a reduced intensity light deal, dunno about 75 NC.

Sounds like a Canuck deal only then OP likely has an issue, but next then for OP JohnHenry

Is the bike charging? Best to always diagnose first rather than assuming a part issue, then a new part can end up doing the same. That's called chasing parts.
Hi from New Zealand.
Are you aware there are 2 different types of warning light assimulator? I have a 1975 Canadian bike and have done some research on this.
I believe there was a law passed in Canada that stated the lights must be on when the engine starts, so the red light stays on to show the lights are on. The other type of assimulator used in the rest of the world is red when ignition is turned on and goes out after the alternator generates over a certain amount of power. There are 2 different part numbers for these. Not sure if this applies to earlier bikes
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So for Canada, they got a light that was to alert you to the electrical charging condition by using a light that never goes off with the ignition on ?
You couldn't make that stuff up., it sounds like something Private Pike would come up with.

The warning light continues to glow after the engine has started to remind the rider to turn the ignition switch to the Ignition and Lights position.

Warning Light Assimilator
That sounds far to complicated, am I the only one who sticks his hand in front of the light (in the day time) to see if it is going.

If a new plastic AN assimilator will help (work on the bike in question) ) the OP the offer still stands.
I have a wiring problem in my Norton Commando 850 Electric Start where the Ignition warning light is on and working but when the engine starts it doesn’t go out. I assume the warning light assimilator is bad, but I don’t know where the location of it is? Can anyone help me find the Warning Light Assimilator?
John Henry, please check your private messages(aka Conversations). You need to be signed in to be able to do that.
Point is/was, the law said it must be so, or work this way. No diff than what it is today for prob most.
To clarify, the Canadian headlight on law was enacted in two seperate acts. (not quoted verbatim) The first was that all motorcycles from 1975 on had to have the headlight turn on with the ignition and the second law, enacted around 1982 stated that all motorcycles manufactured after Jan 1st 1970 had to have the headlight on at all times. Now I'll have to go outside and check my newly acquired mk III and see if that's how it works. A 47 year old bike may not be wired as it left the factory :)
The first was that all motorcycles from 1975 on had to have the headlight turn on with the ignition

According to the Mk3 manual, it was "headlamp on when running".
Warning Light Assimilator

Although the other running lights (pilot, tail and instruments) come on with ignition (due to the Canadian model ignition switch) then if it had to include the headlamp there would have been no need for the Canadian lighting control unit.

Warning Light Assimilator

Power "Direct from Alternator" at "3 Ign." seems to be the headlamp only because the other lights including the tail lamp are fed by the battery (from Ign. Sw. T3) according to the Mk3 wiring diagram.
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