I had similar questions for my '74 850. A tech editor for a well known mag runs a Power Arc, but put a Tri-Spark on a friend's bike (and video taped the process for web viewers) and recommends them both (I like that they're both self contained within the points cavity). Another guy says Tri-Spark if you can afford it, else Pazon. Matt at CNW swears by the Tri, and is also their US dealer - hmmm, quite an endorsement. Most recommend a dual coil setup as well. What about the Wassell unit? There are references to it being designed by former Boyer techs and is produced in the Czech Rep for Wassell (Pazon actually states their Boyer lineage on their web site). I like that the Wassell unit is completely sealed w/a nice CNC machined plate; and, while the few reports have been positive, I guess it's too new to tell. Does Power Arc really have an advantage with optical triggering and 3 sparks per cycle? Do they all need resistor plug caps? One guy said he fried his Tri-Spark with a H.O. alternator - was he not using a 200w regulator, like a Podtronics? I can see blowing a zener or (Lucas) rectifier and zapping the ign box with A/C, or over-volts, but what's safe? Lastly, my '75 T160 Trident came with a Boyer mkIII when I bought it in 1996 and has been trouble-free since day one, although now it won't idle below 3500-4000 rpm. 35 year old caps in the Boyer finally gone bad? Right now, finances are leaning towards a Pazon or Wassell, then later a Mikuni 34VM, and eventually an alt/reg/coil upgrade...