Where's hobot? (2015)

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I had PMed Steve a couple of months back to see how he was doing.
He wrote back that he had a mishap with a chainsaw but was recovering.
I wrote again but didn't hear back from him.
I enjoyed his writings on the INOALIST. I often laughed out loud.
I had met him at National Norton Rallies.
He is the Real Character.
I do miss his writings and hope he is doing well.
Frank Coleman
Yea it was fun to read how well Peel did in the twisties against modern sport bikes, I also hope he doing well. He has a way with words and I hope he is still spending time finishing Ms. Peel.
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OK, someone that has a good contact info on the man give the rest of us an update. Everyone that has met him in person has their own Hobot story.
Last real contact I had with the H man was when he sent me the Norton Factory Service notes , that was a while back ... maybe a couple of pm’s since but that it .... what I remember was a group of sharks on this forum got on his case for his “literary style” and said he was posting untruths .... really too bad he was a great and entertaining contributor ...
He was chased off two other Brit bike forums I am aware of some years back, again by forum sharks, who condemned him for
deliberately ruining perfectly good Commandos. I found him to be thoughtful and quite helpful while offering medical advice
in PMs years back when I was having difficulties.
OK, someone that has a good contact info on the man give the rest of us an update. Everyone that has met him in person has their own Hobot story.
prob still vids out there

a good (pretty sure fellow norton) bud passed on recently prior also

hobot speaks a special language but maaaaaaaaaaan

luvs to talk norton

never hurts to take/have a break here & there

wouldn't be surprised to find about deep mechanical quiet norton stuff

next thing u know, he will prob stun yet again & ludwig & buds will just be thrilled lol

wonder now if he was vip or not
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Where's hobot? (2015)


  • Where's hobot? (2015)
    44.5 KB · Views: 296
Interesting revival, this.

A few days ago I was thinking about the "Gravel" and wondered if there was a modicum of symbolism in that term, as used by Hobot.
Search utube for ”Thehobot2”. Does not seem much symbolism with the gravel - Looks real enough to me . Shooting the pea shooters is just mad. Hopefully Hobot is busy with his spanners and will be back soon.
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