where can I get decent 7" h4 or better head lamps

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Your idea sounds good. Maybe those "cross eyed' beams could be used alongside the regular lamp I have now. maybe they could be couples and run in series with high beam and an easy to get at on -off switch. That way, if you get on-coming traffic you can dip them out and back in again once the traffic has passed. I dreamed last night of having a gyroscopic switching which sensed when you are leaning over, but think the time delay in that working may be too late and defeat the purpose. That other idea of a head mounted beam could be a go but maybe the head wont always move where it ought. Have you ever tried that Hobot.
regards, Dereck
My paths have many blinds around sharp turns and over steep crests and opens tend to have dips regular lights no matter the brightness can shine into until already committed so there is a reason off road craft have hi mounted lights and new cars have swiveling 'head' lights. There is uncomfortable glare back if lights too close to bike or ground and too much fiddling to switch these separate from hi beam/dip so G force/lean switch may work its intermittent solution. I've considers a mouth or jaw tension operated helmet light but have not figured out what type and would be best if wireless. Just seeing a big animal before striking it does not prevent the strike so have figured out very strong bb zip gun hoser to act like a helicopter gunner with helmet aimed turret mini gun.

https://www.google.com/search?site=&sou ... Iw0d4UsV_0
kerinorton said:
I HAVE JUST BEEN IN FOR MY WOF CHECK. I asked the technician to measure the out-put on the new Nighthawk. 73 lumens. Compared it with the high beam on a 2003 Nissan Bluebird which had only 32.5 lumens. Its very bright. Haven't been able to compare with the old H4 on the other bike yet as I have had the flu and the weather has been a bit awful. Cant see round corners on the unlit back streets in Opua. Will let you know as soon as I can

My indicators started going funny. would work one side and not the other, then not at all then the other way round,. First time it happened I removed the switch assy and cleaning it with electrical cleaner,. seemed to work yesterday until I went for the wof check. Failed. While testing, I noticed the flasher was getting slower and slower. Didn't like the idea of disassembling the light switch so went and bought a new 2 pin flasher from Repco. That fixed the problem, and passed the wof check.
I have jut realized there may be a few more noughts after those figures above. may be 7300 lumens and 3250 lumens. Will have to ask.
Could get an old photographers light meter at set distances for some objective numbers though color of light and focus may nullify some the extra shine.
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