Mr. Rick said:Looks good!
Have you attached the rotor and mounted the wheel, to see if the disc is centered in the caliper? That's the test of truth, I reckon...
Mr. Rick said:The caliper is shimmed? I musta missed that during the the assembly of my own front wheel. And in the parts list.
Mr. Rick said:"The rim has nothing to do with disc alignment."
Nothing at all, until you actually assemble them and find that the rim is fixed to the hub and the hub is bolted to the disc, and that HOW you assembled them determines whether or not the disc centers in the caliper when you're done.
I can see how one might be able to (not that I'd want to) use shims to move the caliper leftward in a pinch. What do you do if you need to move it to the right?
Mr. Rick said:"the critical test is weather the rim centres in the fork legs".
This surprised me, so I checked and found that my rim is not even close to being centered in the fork legs.
The rim clears the left fender mount by about 0.90", the right by about 1.20"
I'm interested now, to know what others are finding, and why it would matter?
gortnipper said:Got the rear fender and tail light assembly on, with much fettling.
Got the front wheel on and the caliper shimmed correctly.
But, the fender stay was rubbing on the tire on the primary side. 8mm clearance on the other side at the bead. My first thought was maybe the fender stay was flopped and needed tweaking.
But it looks like the wheel is laced 2.5mm dished too far to the primary side.
I suppose it will need to be retrued to center it properly.
Mr. Rick said:"The rim has nothing to do with disc alignment."
Nothing at all, until you actually assemble them and find that the rim is fixed to the hub and the hub is bolted to the disc, and that HOW you assembled them determines whether or not the disc centers in the caliper when you're done.
Mr. Rick said:"the critical test is weather the rim centres in the fork legs".
This surprised me, so I checked and found that my rim is not even close to being centered in the fork legs.
The rim clears the left fender mount by about 0.90", the right by about 1.20"
Mr. Rick said:I'm interested now, to know what others are finding, and why it would matter?
Frankie17 said:It looks like you have fitted a wider rim than stock
if the rim you fit is say 5mm wider overall you have to take 2.5mm off the offset measurement to get the correct hub / rim offset this in theory should then align correctly with the forks