In general, it looked like a well assembled unit with a few minor changes. Obviously I'm not doing hardness tests etc, but visually it was a well built engine with a few design revisions.
Rockers, appeared the same to me as the R3 or R4 that we had at Donington. The shafts I think have change, with a part number now machined into them that I don't recall being there. Norton at one point did approach Thiel Motorsport, wanting to buy a number of their rocker arm they were obviously looking to do a bit of good old copy and paste from someone else's homework there lol
Camshaft appears dimensionally the same, although again a part number has appeared on the end, and it's a R1 part number, so I assume a new supplier....and some changes to hardness.
I'd guess at the hardness of the shift mech pawl to be addressed, as we had issues with those.
I also suspect the hardness of the starter ring gear to have been revised as there was very little wear on the one I pulled apart.
Starter motor was a weird rework in my opinon...just use the latest revision Harley starter gasket.
The keyway appeared to have been moved on the crank pulley, retarding the balance shaft by around 4°, at a guess.
Compression limiters fitted to the chain guide and tensioner...good mod.
And I think that was about it from memory. I found the top ring gaps too tight ie out of spec too tight.....with a visual evidence of this on the bores, showing a line on each that needed dressing up. All cases, crank, gearbox, clutch basket etc etc appeared identical.
Lifters are a different supplier, and the anti rotation pins have changed.
But, this was a September 2022 registration, so things may have changed since. I'll never get given the facts though, for as long as a couple of senior managers have a little chip on their shoulder over me....get over it guys (my Cossie will always outrank your plastic Mustang....yeah I know you're watching
