I finished my project to get my clutch working properly.
Having replaced the clutch centre and fitted new Barnett plates, I adjusted the clutch stack height today, and its made an enormous difference to the feel at the lever. Its now substantially lighter.
The stack height was 3mm short of ideal, so I swapped 2 x 2mm std steel plates with a 3mm and a 4mm RGM steel plates, and reassembled everything, now it only takes two fingers to pull the clutch lever to the bar. Amazing.
If I get time later today, I will replace the clutch cable, but it doesn't really seem to need it ... but maybe with the new cable it will only need 1-finger to operate the clutch ?
Also, I replaced a failed tachometer lamp, using the first LED on the bike. These things are super bright, and a nice crisp white colour, so much brighter that the original bulb, luckily I bought two, the difference is very noticeable.