The weather is clear and beautiful here in North Texas. It's a little on the chilly side in the wind but the sun is warm. I took advantage if the weather to get the Guzzi and the Norton out. The Guzzi I just rode around a local circuit and I did the same with the Norton. I wanted to test a plan I had for the Norton.
If my 74 850 sits for more than a month it sumps up. All my Nortons had done this in the past and it was no problem to drain the sump. Now getting down on the floor is starting to be a problem. I would rather not get under the bike if I don't have to. To that end I got a hand transfer pump at Harbor Freight. It has a hose on each end and I made a pickup tube to go down inside the oil tank. I rode the Norton ten miles or so, pulled into the garage and drained the oil out using suction. I used a very clean plastic disposable, five gallon, water jug to hold the oil and I pumped it out while the oil was warm but not hot. It worked great. Now it won't sump up. I am the only one who rides it so I know to pore the oil back in it (it sitting on the floor next to the bike.) I am all set if the weather turns nasty and I do not get a chance to ride for a while