A great ride.
Hi all, last Tuesday we at last finished shearing. Shearing has been a major problem this year with very wet weather in Eastern Australia combined with a shortage of shed staff.
On Wednesday I jumped on my Commando and rode it across the Snowy Mountains from Delegate to Corryong with a mate where we stayed the night. He was riding a 2014 retro Bonneville. As he rode a little slower than my normal pace I had a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the ride through the beautiful forests of the Alpine Way. It was perfect riding weather.
The only downside was the appalling state of the roads due to the recent torrential rain and getting tangled up with a heap of Lotus Super Seven drivers, some who being pretty silly on the narrow road.
We had a big night at the hotel, with much drinking and bon homie with the friendly locals. As is the case with our advancing age, this led to less than a perfect night‘s sleep and numerous trips to the loo.
Thursday morning, after a hearty breakfast I rode back alone, again a great ride enjoying the bike’s relaxed torquey performance and good handling. As a bonus I was able to do a flying job in Jindabyne, checking a pilot out in an ex-RAF aircraft. In view of the heavy drinking the night before I politely declined the aerobatic sequence, finding slightly more gentle ways to conduct the test

Flying over Lake Jindabyne with the mountains as a backdrop was the perfect compliment to the ride. Like our Commandos, the little CT4 could be thrown about with beautiful sharp handling.
All in all the bike went very well but I was a bit surprised by it’s fuel consumption, no better than 45mpg in relatively gentle riding. I think I might try dropping the needles one notch.
Even with a reduced master cylinder I really consider the brakes sub standard, I wonder if I’m losing strength in my wrist and that is exacerbating the problem?
The bike is sufficiently oil tight not to drop oil but it does have a leak around the head gasket (or possibly the head itself ) which leaves an annoying mist over the LH side and primary cover.
Anyway, it was a great couple of days on a great bike.