What Did You Do With Your Commando Today?

Thats a good deal. My classic policy is Footman James, with a VMCC members discount and its a lot more than that. Agreed value on the Commando and T140 with unlimited mileage and included to take pillion passengers.
That is a GREAT deal . I just turned 65 , so more interest on my part now . Of course my company neglected to contact me about that stuff .
Loaded up the MK111 with camping and trout fishing gear and cold worms , for tomorrow morning , long ride on the 401 , I'll keep in the right lane . Lots of gear oil on the Iwis chain , tank full . Wish me luck .
Good luck. Where are you heading this time?
Loaded up the MK111 with camping and trout fishing gear and cold worms , for tomorrow morning , long ride on the 401 , I'll keep in the right lane . Lots of gear oil on the Iwis chain , tank full . Wish me luck .
You need luck on that 401. I just got off it and it is mayhem approaching T.O from the west. I've never seen so many idiots on 1 road. Hell bent for leather , slam on the brakes, then repeat.
Clocked 127 miles today. Came around this blind corner to see these 4 in my lane. It’s my favourite road in my area but you need to pay attention


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Not sure how valid this theory is : if a deer is in your line of travel they will move to avoid getting hit. If you swerve to avoid them, you have a 50/50 chance of a collision. I like a loud motorcycle to scatter the beasts to help remove risk
Good luck. Where are you heading this time?
I can't answer that specifically , as a fisherman I always get asked that constantly and have learned over the years to never lead others to my best spots .
The best I can give you is The Ganaraska , because hundreds of Americans come up for the trout opener , camp or hotels on the Ganny , so not secret .
You need luck on that 401. I just got off it and it is mayhem approaching T.O from the west. I've never seen so many idiots on 1 road. Hell bent for leather , slam on the brakes, then repeat.
I'm wondering what the hell has happened to people's driving standards
Over here it's just plain stupidity!
As we came out of lockdown it was as if people had forgotten how to drive
And maybe just maybe could have been forgiven initially
But it definitely got worse during that time and has never recovered
I've been knocked off once
I've had a very close near miss head on collision with a car my side of a crossing
And I've been hit from behind at a junction
The car shoved me forward and the plastic trim on the front of the car got jammed between my back wheel and mudguard, locking my bike to the car!!!!
You need luck on that 401. I just got off it and it is mayhem approaching T.O from the west. I've never seen so many idiots on 1 road. Hell bent for leather , slam on the brakes, then repeat.
Yes it was a nightmare heading back into Toronto , not just for me but for all the 401 sufferers . Like shuffling , clutch in , clutch out . I was worried about all my trout on ice , melting ice , great weather .
Not sure how valid this theory is : if a deer is in your line of travel they will move to avoid getting hit. If you swerve to avoid them, you have a 50/50 chance of a collision. I like a loud motorcycle to scatter the beasts to help remove risk
Come and live in Australia we have everything that wants to jump out in front of us and even worst in outback Aus with no fences to keep cattle, horse, kangaroos, emus, and up the top end even crocs crossing the roads, wild pigs, just to name a few even deer and in the suburbs people walking with ear plugs and mobile phones glued to their hands not paying attention and stepping on to the road without due care, why every 4x4 and trucks have the great Aussie invention called bull bars on the front to knock everything out of the way, we live in a very dangerous place and overseas travelers just don't understand when traveling our vast land and don't forget out famous drop bears, most dangerous creature of all.
Here is a pic of my Land Rover with the knock everything out of the way bull bar on the front.

Today I pulled the carbs to try to figure out why my '74 is running rough when it gets to 3000rpm. It took a very keen eye but I think I found the problem. What Did You Do With Your Commando Today?
Well while you have it pulled a part might as well give the carbs a good clean out and clean all passages, if you soak the carbs in a container of vinegar it will bring up like new and get rid of all stains, at lease the jet is ready to be removed. Do both carbs.
I have had good success in the past by boiling carbs in a big pan with some washing up liquid (detergent).

Just make sure the Missus is out …

And wash the pan properly afterwards …
I also have to watch out for the wife when I bake my painted parts in the oven.She doesn’t get it!
I guess I am not alone 😃
What's wrong with a bit of heat proof paint cooking with the roast lol, the mount of times I dropped crank bearings out over the gas stove top burner and flip the cases over to drop the new bearings in as well cooked a few painted barrels in the oven a few times while the wife was there, haven't used the dish washer for parts cleaning yet as we only had a dish washer for 2 years the last one made too much noise, she kept on complaining she always did the washing up lol, nothing worst than winging and winding, so the new kitchen got a new dish washer, I tried to trade to old one in but no one wanted her lol.
I feel sorry for you guys who has to do things behind the wife's back, I just do it and suffer later lol.

I have had good success in the past by boiling carbs in a big pan with some washing up liquid (detergent).

Just make sure the Missus is out …

And wash the pan properly afterwards …
Soaking carbs in a full container of vinegar is the best, slowly eats away all the crude in those blocked holes without hurting the metal, I usually leave them soaking over night, but still got to use that thin wire for the pilot jet passage and compressed air if its fully blocked, also cleans all stains off the carb bodies and there is always vinegar in the kitchen pantry, well in my house anyway, I also have a container of vinegar up in the shed just for carbs.
Soaking carbs in a full container of vinegar is the best, slowly eats away all the crude in those blocked holes without hurting the metal, I usually leave them soaking over night, but still got to use that thin wire for the pilot jet passage and compressed air if its fully blocked, also cleans all stains off the carb bodies and there is always vinegar in the kitchen pantry, well in my house anyway, I also have a container of vinegar up in the shed just for carbs.
Maybe both methods combined would be best. Boiling agitates the carbs a lot, loosening off crud and freeing it up to float to the surface. If vinegar softens the crud, then a vinegar soak followed by a good boiling would sound ideal.
Today I pulled the carbs to try to figure out why my '74 is running rough when it gets to 3000rpm. It took a very keen eye but I think I found the problem. View attachment 114343
I'm guessing that jet holder was like that when you took the bowl off?
Yep - that would do it 😂

I was ready to toss a pair of carbs because the bike wouldn't pull through midrange, but new needles & jets got it running pretty much like new.

Handy hint for domestic bliss - when baking repainted barrels in the kitchen oven, make sure you remove the masking tape first.
Our kitchen stank for days!
I have a side burner on my grill. The carb pieces went in a decent pot on that burner with some detergent. Wife never asked what I was cooking, or didn't notice. I only boiled them for about 30 min. due to time constraints. Finished cleaning with Dawn Platinum foam and a good rinse and blow off. Passages were open. Tightened the jet holders up. First kick startup and ran like a champ around the neighborhood. Going for a ride this morning. What Did You Do With Your Commando Today?