Wet sumping - better to leave it?

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Matt Spencer reckons the top part of the Triumph pressure indictor screws onto the Norton bottom part, but I don't know where to get one. I've always been paranoid about oil pressure. My 500cc short stoke motor use to wear big ends very quickly so I had the journals hard chrome plated and reground. After a race the pressure indicator button used to stay out for quite a long time. However I suspect that very high oil pressure is not really necessary, as long as the big end bearings never run dry. The 500cc motor used to run to 10,500 RPM. A Commando motor usually only goes to 7000 RPM.
Time out! Everyone return to your corner.
How about if everyone does whatever they damn well please without anyone else calling them for being dumb.
End the thread as it is going nowhere.

I have heard of some types of these valves failing, though I haven't heard of an RGM valve failing. I had one installed for 12 years.
BUT, I removed it and replaced it with a manual ball valve with ignition interlink.

I thought this thread went ok ( so far), people were polite, not like the old days.
Of course people come into it with a mindset and that holds thru, it rarely changes . I'm the same at this point.
But the info is there for a newcomer to make use of or ignore.

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