Warpedscout 74 850 Commando Rebuild

warpedscout said:
Been a long while since I have got back on rebuilding my 74 Norton. Friend still has my transmission case and will be getting it finished up in the next month or so. Just got my parts back from the powdercoaters a few days ago. Used the template to blank it off from Old Britts, hoping I hit all the correct spots on it!! Have cleaned and painted blanking areas and waxed. WIll probably do another wax to make sure have a good one on it. Had frame coated Semi Gloss black, the guys who did it gave me a good deal. Was $150 to blast and PC, I went back to blank it to save the money and a lot of headaches!! Hope to make at least monthly progress on this but having

Dang, thats a good price on powder coating, I got a quote for my CB500 frame, $500+, Its calif, dont even think about chroming, some places send the parts to Mexico.
My frame and bits sat for about a month before they got to them. I was not in any hurry but they felt bad it took them so long and gave me a great deal. I also went in after they blasted and taped everything off. I gave them the instructions from Old Britts but they offered to let me come do it. Saved about $40 per hour for them to do it!!
Fortunately / Unfortunately it is somewhat of an Indian Summer here in Mississippi and I have been outside finishing up after having a pool put in. Now I have to get into attic and finish up insulation before the cold does hit! Never a dull moment!

I did get my Isos in and going to have friend cut down front piece for Mk III dimensions. Maybe once the cold sets in I can get back to the bike!
warpedscout said:
I did get my Isos in and going to have friend cut down front piece for Mk III dimensions. Maybe once the cold sets in I can get back to the bike!
You should have bought the new ones that do not require cutting the front mount!