Unbalanced Exhaust

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Dec 8, 2017
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Further to a previous post, I am considering converting the exhaust setup on my 1974 MK II from the stock balanced setup to an unbalanced setup. Thanks to advice from Forum members, I think I’ve got the hardware issues sorted but I’ve been thinking about the stability of the unbalanced setup versus the balanced setup. With the balanced setup, the header pipe is connected to the bike at three points; the head, the balance pipe and the muffler. With the unbalanced setup, the header pipe is only connected at two points; the head and the muffler. I’m wondering if the unbalanced setup would result in additional stress on the connection to the head that might lead to compromising the threads in the head, or am I overthinking this?
Personally, I think you are over thinking this. I have broken mufflers on my bike before I have over stressed the threads in the head. Biggest thing is to keep the exhaust nuts tight. Lots of posts on that topic here.

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