" Reportedly Phil Read rode it in 1961 TT "
Phil Read woulod be a fascinating bloke to talk to about NORTONs . Daytona , etc , the TWINS ( I Thought ) . Must have A BOOK in him , on em .
RIGHT . ( now ) read your First Post .
A One Piece crank ! shouldbe goodfor 8.500 . Easy .
Flat plane head . Blaugh . ( But its like the Triumph !

So shouldnd bea real worrie . ) NOW the R Triumph Ran 1 - 5/8 Inch intake & 1- 7 / 16 in. Valves . the heads , that is .
If you look downalonga port , you should see DAYLIGHT , at the other end . A light at the end of the tunnel ! . Pshew . That means stuff can get through .
With a head off , A finger over the Garden Hose ( A Flow Bench , if yave a bench , a brick will do ) Aimed Directly down the center , we're talking INTAKE
primarilly .
Usually , on a TRIUMPH , if its any good , initial 2 m.m. it just goes radially , 360 degrees , pretty much , sorta 50/50 aqueous and gaseous . B U T , heres the Rub -
Fully Open -> The Suckers heading pretty much down CENTER BORE : - The Primary H.Duty full bore Bit . Should Folow the piston head down . Past Half Lift .
The Flow Transitions , From the 2 m.m. ( Start of effective port operation ) usually transitioning to periferal / outer circumferance - center arc ing soits ABOUT COINCANT WITH THE BORE WALL ,
Transitioning thru at third openish to pummling primarilly BORE CENTER ,
Its Filled the Bore Walls .
Its caught the piston head.
Its pushing thru , so can roll ( like a hoop ) the outhrust -
So its ensured EVEN & Complette chamber wotsit . full of it , no dead spots . and suchlike .
Note :the RACE Twin Heads were Full Hemi ( Like a TRIUMPH

) think there was a pitcher of one , in a Motorcycle HELE interview . A head on the bench , in his grasp , as it were . for the DOMI . Mate .
I fink wotyer gunna havetado , is take the MUFFLER OFF . Go Somewhere ( Pendene sands ! ) and rev the snot out of it . Like our dearly beloved Triumphs , using the last inch of oomph in toid , Patrick .
ASSUME you have a C. R. Box ?? or ya dunfor .
Think your PIPES match the T 100 .( R )
' We ' ran 1 5/32 on the Bonnie , on 1 1/8 ports . ( The 8 stud flows better'n a 9 , theyvegot the same problem as you . A KINK ) 7800 peak , tooned lenf pipes ( Picked up 1.000 runningem ) Rum to 8100
once it had ' adjusted ' to that absurdety . Settling down there , it would recogitate , and run out quitely (

( a relitve term , you understand - some might say ' smoothly ) to 8500 . Valve SURGE )
Blah Blah .
I think ' wots up ' is its all still a bit confused ! MAYBE the 1 3/4 O.D. 650 pipes are wot yer afta . A potentially its got 9 grand . 8 is safe . 8-2 or 3 is getting somewhere , if its got it .
The Shallow Angle vale is gunna maybe want more intake than the T120 ( Stock R 61 Cams etc ) .
Its kinda all about " PHASEING " pulse cycles . ( unless you supercharge it )
Id think a big Trux 1200 Tri ' muffler ' mifght doit . Maybe a V&H . A scratched one ( or two ) Borrow it . Knocked about . Who gives a . its a TEST . The 72 REAd JOB i THINK WENT 2-1 FOR MIDRANGE aND LOST NO TOP END . oops . And it was LIGHTER . As an ounce of handlings worth a pound of horsepower . So UNMUFFLED Yours should be good for 50 , at the crank or gearbox ( if it were a TRIUMPH )
No Bottom End . Strewth . A Race Cam - aint got no ' bottom end ' . MATE .
HENCE : the olde
' Half Race '
' three quater race '
' full race '
Designations : still got a bit of bottom end , aint gotta lotta bottom end , and , there aint no bottom end ere . Gotta tough clutch too . Half and three quater will burn out the clutch too . Like a 2S
WHICH is ACTUALLY the FULL RACE Domi Cam . So a " COMBAT " cam is gunna doit nice . Were many a story of hitting a car at 80 out off the showroom , at 8.000 in second . ' the New Combat ' .
So , there we have it .
Id crank the motor forward , so as the carbs go ' straight at it ' Note on the 500-R , Thats Downdraft ( some would quibble ) no matter how you goaboutit .
TRY 1 3/4 pipes ( with NO tight bends ) bout 27 1/2 or 28 inch of them . A Hot rodde would put full length on , get a crayon or paint , put a line down it , and cut it off at the 3rd or 4th burt spot .
About six feet . To catch 3 or 4 overlays of ' pulse ' But youd maybe settle for one , around 30 inch .
TREAT IT as a Short Stroke 650 SS ( them Thruxton jobs were DOMIRACER injuned . Boy . ) So as like its a nest of hornets , on nitro . Keep em all in there . Sequentiall ejection , outta da pipe ends .
Kapow .
THATS were the Mega Matches the PULSE EXPANSION .
Youre doing it in , wth That Thing on the back !
( a short stroke 650 , would match the long strokes piston speed . So youve 650 / 500 = 1.3 x 7000 ( cept call it 7-5 ) so thats 9100 , or 9750 . But the Valve Gear , is only proven to 8.000 Odd .
So , at 8.000 your in there , no sweat . 8200 maybe . 8500 , might do it - if someones dunnit . Reliably . Why Not . BUT the ' phaseing ' The Followers ! Vs Valve Springs , You get a cycle / reverberation , in there
Like castanettes ? IF youve Got It RIGHT . a Harminc ENHACEMENT . Not a harmonic opposition . rooster up . So dithering with a series of springs might gettit . The Olde TERRYS ! & W&S , maybe .
You DONT want Non interacive ' dead ' phaseeing for optimum opperation . But it may be o.k. , at only eight thousand .