Haveing been well clear of all this , before tripping over this forum , the odd Motorcycle Magazine Id glared at gave me the impression someone in the U.S. had fleeced the sharemarket and got 20.000.000 into his company resurecting Norton . Apparently he built THREE Motorcycles . Which are blatently near
Standard Norton Componentry from the 70s , ( Swing arm and seat excepted ) as in ' Off the Shelf '.
Being a FORIGNER , the American conception of a Commando is somewhat forign , BAR ripping through the hills , pegs dragging , round the outside of rice burners , SOMETHING like that , anyway . :mrgreen: ( must be something I read somewhere , Cycle World , ' Best mountain road bike ' Big 10 test :lol: )
So therefore when someone comes along who hasnt been chained to machinary for five centuries , gets a sportster frame ( hidious in the first place ) puts the
Motor and Transmission in UNIT , gets some twerp who build Triumps like Jappers ( cheap ) on the Pen , and goes for glitter , Id probably rather walk .
But then where a trifle cantakerous here . Thinking thesmorning , Damn Russia is the only place theyd have done a decent job of a piece of antiquated machineary in its redesign ( by ME :lol: ) However , FORD , who did that TRI - Motor ( and one or two Cars ) or Chrysler would have the industrial wherewithall
The Fact that it IS a piece of ANTIQUATED MACHINARY is a or the , Essential part of its Charm , & or Character . A Sopwith Camel and a F !!! Arnt the same thing at all. As ALL the Mechanical Componetry for the Original Commando was available , he could have saved A LOT of money , AND GRIEF . Not only his. Apparently .
Nevertheless there are lots of tea bagger dickwhacks wholl go for his flashy gizmo , if he overcomes the obstacles ( and flecces a third 20.000.000 ) :shock:
Tragic when if all the exciteable retrobates had left it alone , WE would be No Worse Off .
IVE YET TO SEE ONE OF GARNERS DO 100 MILES IN A HOUR , a 24 Hour Race , or even a Race .
Therfore to me , ITS UNPROVEN , untill such has occured. Like It or Not. Wheter you give a damn , or consider the jackles have made it a Blanc Mange .