Timing Plate Source...

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Feb 26, 2017
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I am looking for a replacement timing plate to install in the primary cover of a 74' 850.
The original has deteriorated beyond being legible.

I had one on order and they were happy to take my money while not telling me the item was out of stock. It was supposed to arrive tomorrow just like it was supposed to arrive at this time last week as well. I made a follow up call just now to check on status and found out it was, again, not arriving on the date promised.

I squawked a bit about two missed delivery dates and got attitude in response.
Not a progressive move and not smart business.
I canceled the order and hoping I get my payment back in 2018....we shall see.
Yeah, I could have kept quiet and just waited for it to arrive and its not a lot of money in the big restoration picture but when it comes to the principal of an issue I have a clue as to the way that interaction works.

If a vendor gets stuck or has a problem I will almost always try to work with them but when I get a haughty response after they have taken my receipt of my hard earned cash while missing multiple delivery dates my tolerance level drops in a hurry.

Rant over.

So if you have a recommendation/source other than one specific vendor on fleabay it would be much appreciated.
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Old Britts for sure is a great place, but they are on vacation through the end of the month. Phil at Fair Spares is another great resource if you want it sooner. They're under 5 bucks so why would you not go with a new unit?
At 28 bucks I'd hope it is free shipping. It costs 4.20 at Old Britts!
Thank you for the recommendations guys.
I have used quite a few of these suppliers before.
Time to renew some biz interaction.
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