AARGH!!! (Anyone have a good source for PWK idle screw?)

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Mar 1, 2010
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I set out to get the bike out of hibernation this year and things just didn't seem "right". Got a little ride in but she wasn't idling well at all, then I got a few pops and stuff on the way back home. Generally it was running good though and not a drop of oil and such so that was good.

When I got home and looked her over to see if my idle and air screws were adjusted well I noticed the right side idle screw missing. Totally sucks.

So I sent Jim a email asking if I can order a few from hDon'tDont know if he sells parts. Does anyone else know anything bout getting a Idle screw for a 32mm PWK?

I lost a idle screw when I took my first ride with my new PWKs carbies, the spring on the screw wasn't tight enough to hold the screw in, sent a email to Jim and he sent me a new screw with spring straight away and I got it a few days later, the bike still ran ok with out it till the new screw arrived, just had to hold the throttle open a little to keep it idling, when you get a new screw and spring just strech the spring a bit longer so it keep the screw in position, after doing this I have had no more troubles with losing the idle screw, there has to be tension on the spring to hold the screw.

damn theres lots of sources! I contacted Jim and hes shooting me a set over. I will hide my spare in case the gremlin strikes again.
The replacement springs Ijust sent you are already pre-stretched. One of over a dozen mods I make with these carbs now.

jseng1 said:
The replacement springs Ijust sent you are already pre-stretched. One of over a dozen mods I make with these carbs now.


That's good to know! I think I'll be watching the bike much closer now, those screws were in there very firm so I don't think it was an issue of it falli g out as mug as some knucklehead messing with it. That day was the first outing of the year and I went to a brewery and parked right in front, people sometimes like to mess with people's stuff outside establishments like that.

If it happens again I'm goin ballistic, I just hope I go ballistic on the offender hahah
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