Heres a ' Wot Mightia '
NOTE , Ducati used this frame concept AFTER Norton . The Press & Govt wrecked the industry .
THIS LAPPED THE I.o.M. at 107 mph on around SEVENTY FIVE Horse Power , aerodynamic leader also .
Thus herefore & so on , The 75 dohc 4valve , ifitid been adapted less Prof. H. Robinson ,
Coulda produdea Twi the EQUAL of ANY NOW .
AND STILL COULD . A Long Distance Mega Tourer . But more'n 80 Cubes. ( a Bonneville was 40 )
is gunna get to be rather weighty . Therefore a parrllel Twin Britten with no extras, at cost was how the Japs broke the market .
========================================================================================================================================= NOW , ' We ' dont think you need a hysterical twit / Jap Bike entusiast , to design a POMMY BIKE ( Motorcycle ) Someomne with leanings in the decorative trades is liable to be well wide of the mark .
NEARLY ALL U.S. Market 50s & 60s COMPETITION in the U.S. WAS ON THE DIRT . Fancy things that didnt leak oil , were covered in bling & warning lights , wobbled all over ( a rough ) The Road , and tried
To Kill You if you gave them half a chance , were antema to reincarnated ex WWII Er etc .
You Need a CAVEMAN to Design Something Primevall .
Incidently the Owner of that FIRST Commando suffered ? the nick name ' CAVEMAN '
So maybe theres more to it than meets the eye .
Was knactually THIS ONE , the Monocouque , that did 107.27 on the bumpy old curcuit . The space frame was from the sAME JIG NEXT YEAR ( 74 ) .
compARING M'Cycles to AIRCRAFT , the ones to use are the Supermarine & the Hawker . Like the Typhoon & tempest . Sleek Efficent & Brutal .
Pommy machinerary generally . Triumphs Anyway , were light narrow & durable . For thier TIME . Harleys were than run forever tractor engines .
Though the Bonnie & sportster were top dogs for street drags in the mid 60s .
NOW , Whats Needed . Whatever it is , the simpler it is to build , the less expensive it'll be . But ' Top Range ' derivative justifies the cheaper bread & butter
peasants version . Which is less likely to kill people .
The 70s Ducati 75 GT , 750S , and 750 SS being a prime example of EUROPEAN philosophy . Even though Britain now is no longer European .

Thinking the British rider on the Imola Ducati likely brought the success of the desmo to the mainstream western eye , and started the legend .
You can see here , from the lap times , the Jap Rubbish was just getting in Hailwoods Way ;
a UPRATED Commando ( EVERYTHING , as per the LINK .
is how youd do a Dewcaty witha Knorton , CONCEPTUALLY . Get it to stay on the road , and RUGGED . The develp it lighter years hence .
Not a fragile lilly .
Obviously , it needs a Blue Frame . ( Er , my pre 1964 built Triton had one, anyway . as did a few other things . the duc. wernt the first .
But the OFF ( SEALED ) ROAD CAPEABILITY is imperative . Tho not the current 6 foot travel suspension & sky scraper seat hights .
A Bare Bones Comp derived flat Track inspired - MINIMALIST - device . 90 bore & stroke it for One Litre would be a start .
likewothisis. conceptually . No respect for the modern hyper gocart megamonny comercial no relation to reality F1 twerps.
Sorry , Not . they tend to hysteria . 250f on the dirt'd be manageable . Modern F1 etc etc etc , No.Sorry .