The birth of a Seeley Norton

There are times when my wife would probably like that to be literal. We sometimes go to the Returned Servicemens' Club in a town 80Km from here. Outside it there is a Leopard tank on static display. My wife does not understand why I say it is beautiful. To her mind, it is evil. Does the fact that something is designed and developed to kill people, stop it from being beautiful ?

Tanks, planes, guns !!!! non are evil until they are mixed with people. in London ISIS have found that cars and lorries are more effective than guns, so are cars evil?, are the Swiss euthanasia clinics evil?

An argument that cannot be won but whilst we live in a society that blames anything and everything but themselves for all wrong then we are stuffed.
Very sorry left turn for this otherwise fantastic thread.

The birth of a Seeley Norton

Please let the off-topic stuff go, lads...
Very sorry left turn for this otherwise fantastic thread.

The birth of a Seeley Norton

Please let the off-topic stuff go, lads...

I quite like it when threads wander, but point took.

That is a fine looking bike in your avatar, where would i find information on that?
Storm42, what happened to all your images? I didn't get a chance of watching any of them :-(
You know they can be posted at this site - you may get help from one of the moderators if you are a non-vip like me ...

There is a strong similarity between building a Seeley and weapons development. At every stage, there is a 'value analysis' to be done. One of my friends said about my Seeley 'at least your bike LOOKS right'. It looks right because it cannot be built any other way and still function properly. When I look at weapons, they look beautiful to me because I can see the development in them. Racing motorcycles are the same. If you look at the photos of the Seeley that have been posted, everything is about value analysis and function. And it is being done extremely well. Many years ago I was doing a training course and had what 'value analysis' is, brought home to me very strongly. I was shown a bomb fuse before and after. It started as a simple block of aluminium with a few threaded holes and ended up as an extremely light thing of beauty. If you do this consciously while building a race bike, the results can be really great.
There is a strong similarity between building a Seeley and weapons development. At every stage, there is a 'value analysis' to be done. One of my friends said about my Seeley 'at least your bike LOOKS right'. It looks right because it cannot be built any other way and still function properly. When I look at weapons, they look beautiful to me because I can see the development in them. Racing motorcycles are the same. If you look at the photos of the Seeley that have been posted, everything is about value analysis and function. And it is being done extremely well. Many years ago I was doing a training course and had what 'value analysis' is, brought home to me very strongly. I was shown a bomb fuse before and after. It started as a simple block of aluminium with a few threaded holes and ended up as an extremely light thing of beauty. If you do this consciously while building a race bike, the results can be really great.

I think it is the same for anything, I used to service scuba equipment and we had a canoe department, I had no interest in canoes until the guy that ran the department brought his Spud slalom canoe in, a boat built for a single purpose and it looked so good. I have a Hoyt compound bow and compared to a normal bow the look is off the scale.
Almost anything that is developed for a single purpose looks better than a universal version. I do struggle with weight lifters though, especially female ones.:)
That's an interesting little video. There is one of life's lessons we all must learn. It is 'the system runs on bullshit'. Once you understand that, you will never be disappointed because your expectations are not so high. I am never cynical or pessimistic because I simply understand the reality. We have a choice to make between being money-motivated or altruistic. Most scientists are altruistic, so get exploited. In Australia we are now coping with the social consequences of Thatcher's neoliberal globalisation. Our blue-collar jobs are now in China, so our economy is built on what we can dig out of the ground. Like a lot of things the theory is great, but in practice 'the more things change, the more they stay the same'. We are back to the 1890s.
'The hand is quicker than the eye' ? - Which thimble is the little ball under ? There are many ways of skinning a cat. What frightens me is the accuracy of the video you have posted. It is correct in every detail, however if you take a step back, you can see the whole system is based on greed. If it becomes globalised and widespread, what would our world look like ? I don't believe the industrial revolution can be extrapolated to infinity. Perhaps the west is going to move more towards performing arts as a way of making money ?
Ha, Monetize our assets, I assetize my money.
I've been monetizing my assets (selling off my bike collection) for a few years now.

THANK GOD I had the sense to buy so many old turds and basket cases!

It has helped turn a newborn foundling boy and a little 5-year-old girl into a burly 105-pound lad and beautiful almost-teenager that are both smart as whips and lack nothing.

...and I still have two double-handfuls of bikes left for my dotage!
I have a few friends who have very nice classic racers. The reason we have them now, is we had them when we were young and never sold them.
I hope the kids understand and appreciate your sacrifice grandpaul:)

acotrel, things were hard come by back in the day, I still have my Mach 1 250 Ducati, my first legal road bike, my Commando was 6 months old when I bought it which means i have had it for the best part of 45 years.

I shudder when i think of some of the bikes i have literally thrown away, they were crap then and would be crap now but Bantams and Villiers bikes fetch good money now, I have never understood why though.

Anyway, the rollers that i made to start the Seeley turned out to be a bit on the weak side when the temp dropped, so i have made this. The term resistance is futile springs to mind. :)

The birth of a Seeley Norton

The birth of a Seeley Norton

The birth of a Seeley Norton
I bought a starter in which the driving force is an angle grinder. It often pops the reset button. But it doesn't need two people to operate it.
I did make a battery powered roller starter and it does start the bike but when it is a bit cooler in the morning it fails. I cannot afford to miss track sessions due to not being able to start the bike.
It does take two to use it but it will always start the bike. Providing i can start the starter :)