Stuart Garner on Brexit

Unfortunately the decision and future lay in the hands of those 600+ imbeciles currently in Westminster.
Y'all getting ready to march on London again? It's been awhile but maybe they need a reminder...
There is no point Dave, tomorrow they will vote against leaving without a deal and then on Thursday they will vote for an extension to article 50 (the agreement for the UK to leave)
The PM will ask EU for an extension- they will say no and the muppets in Westminster will panic and withdraw from the process thereby killing Brexit.
The March is scheduled for 29 March - too late!
Tomorrow's vote will be very interesting. My local constituency voted 70/30 to leave EU. Our Conservative MP would prefer to remain in the EU but has been backing the Leave deal in order to support his party and sort'of reflect his constituency. He has indicated that he will vote to leave without a deal tomorrow to reflect the local and national referendum result.... a rare politician indeed.
When you see what a complete mess the government are making of Brexit, you wonder how effectively they have been and/or are running the rest of the country!
Faux democracy! You can vote, but it doesn’t count.

I suppose it is preferable to “genuine idiotcracy”.
You are correct Tex, but not unusual in our “democracies” today - like voting for a wall only to have congress block it! I am sure our Australian and Canadian members can cite examples in their own territories ...
It follows the EU plan - we will give you a vote on “X” but if you vote the wrong way, we will ask you to vote again until you get it right!
I love idiocracy - it’s got electrolytes!

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We just don’t know ,& nor do the government,greatly portrayed by Giles the former Tory MP in this clip from “ Have I got news for You”,Ian Hislop btw is the most sued man in the UK ,he’s editior of “ Private Eye “ satirical magazine that regularly features corrupt Shanna gangs that go on over here
We just don’t know ,& nor do the government,greatly portrayed by Giles the former Tory MP in this clip from “ Have I got news for You”,Ian Hislop btw is the most sued man in the UK ,he’s editior of “ Private Eye “ satirical magazine that regularly features corrupt Shanna gangs that go on over here

Brilliant !