Hmmmm. So It looks like I either didn't have the retainer or it got eaten up, or removed at some point, not by me. Can you give me a dimension on the retainer thickness? Maybe I can make one up. Does the retainer mount on those little rivets too? But I'll tell you, with my ring gear resting on that washer with no retainer and grease, I have about .04" clearance from the ring gear to the washer under the felt. I have friend with the same model, I'll try to get him to take his apart and see what he has. Interesting!!
Has anyone ever taken apart the driven gear from that tube? It all looks like it has been installed and then press fitted from the outside with those little dimples?
I got my furnace back in operation yesterday, 2 days with the wood stove and 60 deg. F in the house, the old lady was not too happy, but didn't complain. It was tough getting the repairman in with still 15" of snow on the ground and mud out the wazoo. Only $260, not too bad for 2 trips, parts and a tuneup.